The Deconstruction of The Temporal-Single-System-Interpretation TSSI | Page 5

augments profit devoid of any labor-time. And, this is enough to skew Marx’s holy economic equalities, which Marx argues must in the last instance always equalize. As Engels states, in the preface of Capital (Volume 3), “the total sum of prices equals the total sum of values…in the last instance, [meaning any] incongruence disappears”[10] in the end. However, if amounts of profit, i.e., value, enter calculations, devoid of labor-time, which they do, then total values and total prices can never equate, in the last instance, due to the fact there will be segments of total price and total value, which will be devoid of labor-time and unable to be accounted for by socially necessary labor-time. Notwithstanding, for argument sake, let us take one of Kliman’s simple economic models, when inputs and outputs prices differ, and take this economic model as an economic totality. That is, an economy as a whole, which falls into recession and/or depression, wherefore, outputs do not equal inputs at the level of totality. First, in this instance, total price and total value will differ, do to discrepancies in output and inputs. Second, like a chain reaction, this will also mean that total profit and total surplus value will differ, do to discrepancies in output and inputs. And third, the aggregate “price” rate of profit and the aggregate “value” rate of profit will differ, thus, annulling Marx’s and the TSSI’s holy trinity of economic equalities. Taking a look at Kliman’s, TABLE 2.2., pertaining prices of production and average profits, where Marx’s holy economic equalities are maintained, we can see that everything Marx and TSSI indicated is in order: Industry C Eateries 100 Chem. 200 Total 300 k 30 40 70 s s/C 40 40% 8 4% 48 16% ᴨ/C 16% 16% 16% ᴨ 16 32 48 w= k +s 70 48 118 p= k + ᴨ 46 72 118 The symbols: k s = cost price. = surplus value. ᴨ = profit. w = value of output. p = price of output. C = total capital advanced. ᴨ/C = price of production rate of profit. s/C = value rate of profit/ rate of exploitation. [11] In effect, this reproduction of Kliman’s economic model, reproduces Marx’s holy economic equalities. As determined by Kliman, “total profit and total surplus value both equal 48,… total price of production and total value both equal 118”[12] and, of course, the aggregate price and value rates of profit also both equalize at 16%. Therefore, according to TSSI, Marx appears vindicated of internal inconsistency, when inputs and outputs are valued temporally. When