The Deconstruction of The Temporal-Single-System-Interpretation TSSI | Page 7
value do not magically disappear at the level of economic totality. This is a contradiction in logic
and rationality, which exacerbates the fact that Marx’s Capital is riddled with internal
consistencies, if one honestly takes all of what Marx said into consideration.
In a classic Marxian statement, screaming of internal logical-inconsistency, Marx states
“the sum of prices of production for the commodities produced in society as a whole—taking the
totality of all branches of production—is [bound to] equal to the sum of their values”[14] in the
final analysis. Basically, regardless of rampant deviations at the level of everyday economic
transactions, prices and values mystically equalize at the abstract level of economic totality. It
might be argued that the three holy economic equalities, eventually, will equate, but this is not
“proof” of logical-consistency, if it contradicts the dictates logic, itself, namely, that logical
consistency pervades reality, from alpha to omega, not just the ephemeral plain of economic
totality. Secondly, it might be argued that, these results disproving Marx’s holy trinity of
economic equalities, are not the final analysis, however, this depends on where one chooses to
draws the finishing line.
All in all, it is internally and logically inconsistent to articulate that prices and values can
differentiate, in everyday economic occurrences, while at the same time, arguing that at the
abstract level of economic totality, both the sum of prices and the sum of values magically
equate, contrary to any logical reasoning. Consequently, this is logically inconsistent and
contradictory, unless an arbitrary and artificial adjustment is perpetrated between the different
sums of values and prices, an adjustment, which can only be dishonest and simultaneous. For
instance, as Marx states, “whatever may be the ways in which the prices of different
commodities are first established or fixed in relation to one another, the law of value governs
their movement”[15]; what Marx argues is that prices can be determined in a variety of ways,
prices cannot be reduced to strict quantities of labor-time, despite somehow being governed by
labor-time, nonetheless. Following Marx’s inherent logical-contradiction, here, contrary to TSSI,
we are dealing with two measurement systems, which Marx is trying to commensurate, under
one umbrella, due to the fact that, at the absolute level of economic totality, he wishes to claim
that “surplus value and profit are in fact the same and even numerically identical”[16], which has
just been proven is not the case, in the final analysis.
In effect, contrary to Marx and TSSI, prices continually escapes the strict confines of
value measured in labor-time, namely, value strictly determined by the fundamental Marxist
premise of labor-time, both in everyday economic occurrences and, following the dictates of
logic, at the abstract level of economic totality. For Marx and TSSI, values and prices differ at
the microscopic level of everyday economic occurrences, and then, magically unify and equate at
the abstract level of economic totality. This is an internal logical-contradiction, i.e., an internal
logical-inconsistency in Capital, brought about by faulty premises. In fact, contrary to Marx and
TSSI, differentiations between value and price occur both at the microscopic level of everyday
economic occurrences and at the level abstract level of economic totality, ALWAYS! Because,
both the soil and labor-power are sources of surplus value and because price-value
differentiations at the micro-level of everyday economic transactions also means, following the
dictates of logic, there are price-value differentiations at the macro-level of economic totality.
Marx’s holy economic trinity in actuality never equate, without serious readjustments and
conscious machinations. Meaning TSSI, like Marx, cannot validate Marx’s holy trinity of