Instruction Manual: Seed Drill
Jethro Tull 1701 Co., Ltd.
Congratulations you are now a proud owner of John Tull’s Seed Drill. The Seed Drill is a sowing device that accurately plants seeds in the soil in a perfect sized hole and then covers the seed to protect from weather conditions and other elements.
Safety Instructions
Make sure while using the Seed Drill to always properly strap the yoke to horse correctly or if you are doing it by hand always wear leather gloves or some protection for your hands. Make sure that you operate the Seed Drill on soil that has been watered within the five days for maximum performance.
Using the Seed Drill
Pour the seeds of your choice into the separate loading bins, you can plant up to five different types of seeds at once, place the lids over the loading bins. Once the Seed Drill is attached to your source of power, horse or man, start pulling the Seed Drill over the soil you wish to farm and now you can farm one-hundred times with Seed Drill. The seed drill will make holes in the ground and pour seeds into these holes through the tubes. The rake behind the seed drill will cover these holes allowing protection from elements and weather.
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