The Days of the Industrialization (Dec.2013). | Page 6



Citizens, it has become apparent that the disease TYPHUS is running rampant through our nation. This fatal disease is spreading quickly, and to maintain public health, your government urges you to take utmost care and precaution when dealing with LICE and other infected citizens, as they are suspected to be the main source of typhus.

Symptoms of Typhus include:






-Back pain

-Joint Pain

It is recommended that you keep your ill indoors and away from vermin and other people, until they can be collected for care at your nearest available hospital. At this time, hospitals are reaching peak capacity treating casualties of various diseases, such as TUBERCULOSIS and CHOLERA. To

minimize your contribution to this growing problem, it is suggested that you keep ill family members in your home for as long as possible. Your government is aware that this disease has already claimed the lives of thousands, and is currently making every effort to procure a medicine for this rampant ailment.

2 inMagazine/January, 2012