The Days of the Industrialization (Dec.2013). | Page 3

Dear Diary

Today was a stressful day at the factory. Yesterday two men lost their jobs because they lost their penis’when they were sticking it in the machine.The foreman has not hired anyone to replace them because he said that the current workers could do those two men’s jobs, would save money, and would help expand the “ Schmidt’s Fish Cannery”. He said another way to save money and expand the company was to lower our wages down two pences. Now my brother and I only make one penny per hour , father now makes five pences, and mother makes three pences. The foreman has offered me a raise if I give him handjobs and blowjobs daily. He has also offered a bonus if I let him bang me in the ass. I wasted no time accepting this generous offer because I am used to this kind of work! I can’t wait to get started tomorrow!

-John Eder

June 18,1765

Dear Diary,

I still work at the Schmidt’s Fish Cannery now for half a penny per hour. The only reason why I still work at the fish cannery is because my needs any money we can get to buy some medicine for my sick father,James, he has just become sick with Tuberculosis. Even though he is sick he still works at cannery because he is the family’s main provider. The foreman is still yelling at us to work faster, even though there are not enough workers here at the cannery to do all the jobs. The only good thing is that all of our pay was raised half a penny, so atleast now I get three pences every two hours instead of two pences.

-John Elder

December 24,1765

Dear Diary,

Today started off amazing until I got to the cannery. I woke up an hour earlier, snuck out the apartment that we shared with four different families and went to coal mine to get presents for my family. My friend, Ernest Statham, works in the coal mines and said he could make me presents for my family for three pences. I payed for the three beautiful crystal like stones on old leather thong, made into a necklace, and headed to the cannery. I was working a machine with my brother then some “strappers” come

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