The Days of the Industrialization (Dec.2013). | Page 10

Life in the Canney

January 15,1765

Dear Diary,

Today was another rigorous day at the canney. Most days I come home from the canney I’m tired, sore, and ready to sleep. The job demands a lot of my energy. I work when the machines start and that is usually 3am and work until they stop. I usually work 14 hours. Two men lost a few of their fingers in the machines. The cannery is very hot and stuffy. Our foreman was yelling and didn’t seem to care that the men lost fingers. The foreman came over and yelled at me to work faster when I was working as hard as I could! I worked even faster because I didn’t want to lose my job because I’m poor. My wife works at the textile factory and my two kids work in the canney with me too. The men who lost their fingers were fired on the spot so now they lost fingers and their jobs. I try to be as cautious as I can when working with the machines because I don’t want to lose a finger and get fired. Life is tough but I’m happy as long as my family is doing well and surviving.

-James Eder

January 16,1765

Dear Diary,

Today went fairly well. The canney was stuffy and hot like always but I work hard to support my family. Today I saw some strappers bullying a kid. The poor boy was obviously working his hardest but they hit him anyway. I felt terrible, but I didn’t want to say anything because of the risk of losing my job. That poor boy, he is only ten years old. Many boys lie about their age so they can work, and most of the men will hire them because they can pay them really low wages. The kids won’t dare say a thing because they shouldn’t be working anyway so they accept whatever the owner gives. I’m really proud of my boys, John and Shaun. They really make me happy to call them my sons. They know their responsibilities and give it their all when in the canney. I just wish I could earn more so my kids and beloved wife Elizabeth didn’t have to slave in the canney and textile factory.

-James Eder

January 20,1765

Dear Diary,

Today was another tough day in the canney. A few of the people are vomiting and using the bathroom very frequently. One of the workers even passed out from dehydration. He just dropped cold while manning a machine! These men were obviously fired because of their inability to work. This sickness is started to spread around the canney and I pray everyday that my boys or I do not contract it. Many business owners do not care if you’re sick, they will just fire you on the spot if you can’t work. The “strappers” tried to bully my boys today but I did not allow this! I was in the moment, I had no concern for my job, I would not just stand by while men were delivering these unjust actions to my boys! Luckily the foremen did not find out and ordered us back to work. My wife was surprised by my sudden boost of courage, but when it comes to my family I will not stand by while they suffer!

-James Eder

2 inMagazine/January, 2012