The Creed Magazine (Sept. 2018) TCM Magazine (Sept.) | Page 16

person. Internationally, there have been many kingdom-minded per- sonalities but the most instrumen- tal (over 10 years) has been Dr Myl- es Munroe of blessed memory. TCM: We hear a lot about Gender Inequality in our society. What is your take on that subject and have you ever been in a situation where you had to deal with it yourself? GTK: God created man and woman equally but to function in different ways based on purpose. Until men and women alike discover this and function accordingly, we will contin- ue to have challenges. The scenar- io of make-up and proper function can be likened to how we respond to a car manufacturers instructions. There are specific places for fuel, where to start the ignition, battery etc. For efficiency and smooth run- ning, the user is required to follow the instruction manual. Imagine what would happen if water is put in the fuel tank? Well this is what happens when men and women re- fuse to be who they were called or made to be and function according- ly. We all need to go back to bibli- cal truths and enjoy the peace that comes with living according to your purpose as revealed in the Word. For me I learnt this truth before I married so it never became an is- sue. Here’s a little advice for the men – As the head (of the union) which houses the eyes, nose, ears and the mouth, ask yourself- are you a vi