sionary? Seeing the way God sees,
hearing his voice and acting accord-
ingly? Are you discerning? Do you
speak the mind of God? In the be-
ginning Adam was in tune with God
and able to discern what God would
call his wife and the animals, names
that actually existed in God’s mind
and which we can say Adam ‘down-
loaded’. Most men of our time don’t
spend time in the presence of God
to know His mind and His ways. On
the contrary, we tend to find wom-
en doing the praying and seeking.
In such instances the man is techni-
cally not “leading” her thus causing
frustration in the union. The man
is the visionary with the woman in
his life to help to achieve the vision
and not to take over.
TCM: What is the impact you want
to have in the Kingdom?
GTK: When the disciples came to
Jesus and asked him to teach them
how to pray, He taught them: “Our
father who art in heaven, hallowed
be thy name: Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is
in heaven.” God has a desire for
‘heaven to be lived on earth’. He
wants His kingdom culture to influ-
ence the systems of the world. Je-
sus came to remind us about this
and to restore us to the original
plan for us to be priests and kings
unto our God. I want to be a part of
those end time ambassadors that
the Lord is using to manifest heaven
on earth and I’m looking forward to
God using me to build a community
of women who are walking in pur-
pose and manifesting the fullness
of God. Ultimately, I want to be an
example and also help others walk
in their full potentials and to help
my husband so that he will not fail
to achieve his assignment here on
It is my love for God. I have
my flaws but all I desire is
to see the will of God done
in my life.