June 23 , 2022 The Beacon • 5
‘ Godspell ’ to be performed at Clary Gardens in July
By Josie Sellers
Live theater will be back at Clary Gardens in July when Rogue Elephant Productions presents “ Godspell .”
This musical was originally written in 1971 and went through a revival on Broadway in 2012 , which is the version being brought to Clary Gardens .
“‘ Godspell ’ is a loose interpretation of the
Kent State Tuscarawas sets its open houses
Kent State University at Tuscarawas will hold open house events on Tuesday , June 28 or Wednesday , July 27 from 2-6 p . m . in Founders Hall . Students who are just starting their college career , transfer students and those with some college credits but no degree are encouraged to attend .
All prospective students are invited to drop in during open house hours to complete an application , file the FAFSA , tour campus , review transfer credits or speak with admissions and academic advising .
Gospels ,” said Mark Kittel , director and producer of the show . “ Jesus is a modern-day person gathering a group of contemporary people around him . The main theme is community building , teaching people to live and work together , and love one another . This is all done through games and the re-enactment of stories . It doesn ’ t follow a straight narrative , but near the end there is a recognizable story drawn from the Gospel .”
The show will be performed Friday through Sunday , July 1-3 and Thursday through Saturday , July 7-9 at Clary Gardens in the amphitheater . The Sunday , July 3 show will start at 2 p . m ., and the others will begin at 7 p . m . General admission is free . Seating in the two front rows is $ 15 ,
All attendees will be entered to win one of four $ 100 book scholarships .
Applications are still being accepted to Kent State Tuscarawas for Summer III , beginning Thursday , July 14 , and fall semester , beginning Thursday , Aug . 25 .
For more information about the open house events , call 330-339-3391 or email infotusc @ kent . edu .
Kent State Tuscarawas is located at 330 University Drive NE in New Philadelphia .
and there are four VIP seats per show available for $ 25 each .
“ These VIP seats will be at the very front at stage level ,” Kittel said . “ These guarantee that we will pull you into the show . The cast will be more than happy to pull random people out of the audience , but if you definitely want to be part of it , this is the way to go . The modern version we are doing has a lot of audience participation and opportunities for the cast to pull people on stage to participate in games and be a part of the story .”
The cast of “ Godspell ” includes Amanda Kittel , Mattie Kiser , Grace Cullison , Trip Mills , Mitch Baughman , Gabe Baughman , Halley Jones , Jenna Kay Jordan , Kayla Wyers , Graham Beaumont and Heath Chaney . Amy Jo Burton is the musical director .
“ She has been an integral part of teaching the music of this show to our cast ,” Mark Kittel said . “ This is critical because , unlike a lot of musicals , there is almost no downtime at all for the cast . Cast members sing in pretty much every single song . If they aren ’ t taking a lead , they are part of the ensemble . Every cast member has the lead at least once in the show and gets their chance in the spotlight . There are no small parts .”
He said it ’ s been a real pleasure working with this group .
“ I worked very closely with them at the onset to explain my vision for the show and what we were going to try to accomplish ,” Mark Kittel said .
“ I told them I was going to put a lot of trust into the cast members to take what was written on the page , build on it , and run with it to come up with their own additions and embellishments and build something funny and meaningful for the audience .”
Visit www . reptheaterohio . com / tickets to make your reservations . Next year ’ s production is already picked and will be “ Spamalot .” Auditions will be held in September or October of this year .
“ We will be able to get people their scripts early and have a good eight to nine months to perfect the show for our audiences ,” Mark Kittel said .
For more information on Rogue Elephant Productions , visit www . reptheaterohio . com .
11AM-1PM Take out only $ 3.00 each
Salads Available Choice of Toppings & Dressings
MONDAY , JUNE 27 11:00 PENNY BINGO , Grilled Chicken Salad ( Lettuce , Tomato , Cucumber , Egg & Cheese ), 100 % Juice Sidekick , Cookie , Crackers & Milk
TUESDAY , JUNE 28 9:00 YOGA , 10:30 MINDFUL MEDITATION , French Toast , Hash Brown , Sausage Patty , 100 % Fruit Juice , Fruit Yogurt w / Granola & Milk
THURSDAY , JUNE 30 9:00 CARDIO DRUMMING , Slow Roast Pork Loin , Roasted Sweet Potatoes , Brussels Sprouts , 100 % Fruit Juice , Orange Pineapple Fluff & Milk
11:15 WALHONDING RUBE BAND Shredded Chicken w / Bun , Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole , Baked Beans , Red , White & Blue Fruit , Dessert & Milk
740.622.4852 | 201 Browns Lane , Coshocton | Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm To access ingredient content , please call Bud Moore 740.622.4852
BF-6055 BF-6055
Scan Below For Tickets !
General Seating is FREE ! Front Seating $ 15 per person
VIP Seating $ 25 - You will join our cast on stage during the show !
Visit reptheaterohio . com / tickets Or call 740-624-2146