4 • The Beacon June 23 , 2022
Farmer ’ s markets offer fresh goods and homemade crafts
By Marianne Austin
If you are looking for the freshest local produce available , homemade baked goods , and unique handmade crafts , then the Coshocton and Fresno farmer ’ s markets are the place to go on Saturday mornings . But you had better come early before it ’ s all gone .
Elsie Summers from Spring Valley Farm sold out of her peas early . She grows produce in a high tunnel which protects the seedlings and gives them a head start in the growing season . She also brought cucumbers , onions , lettuce and strawberries .
Christie Ireland was selling Loren Lee Design jewelry as well as Polymer Clay jewelry . “ It is a local all handmade product that she just started in January . What I ’ ve learned is we get busy really
Fresh eggs are a big hit at the farmers market in Fresno .
early and there is a little lull and then it ’ s really busy again and that ’ s how the morning goes ,” she said .
Michael Ashcraft makes colorful candles for his company Wix and Match . A portion of his profits support Autism Awareness at the The Nisonger Center in Columbus .
“ We opened on May 7 with about 12 or 14 vendors and now we have 17 vendors and we ’ re expecting more vendors as soon as produce comes on ,” said Becky Bowden , market manager . “ But it ’ s been slow because between the rain and weather it has been cool . For instance , my tomato plants at home are just blooming . So , it will be a while before I have tomatoes . We really appreciate our customers that come out rain or shine . We invite everyone to join us on the court
Submitted square on Main Street every Saturday from 8:30 a . m . to noon to shop and support local farmers and artisans . Surely you will find something delicious to eat , décor for your home or a unique gift for family or friend . Produce sells out very quickly so customers need to get here early .”
Bowden has a drawing the last Saturday of the month . Be sure to enter at the market . If your name is drawn you get something from each of the vendors . To find out what will be available each Saturday morning , visit the market Facebook page . A list of vendors is available on the Wednesday of each week . If you are interested in becoming a vendor , contact Bowden at 740-327-2235 or email wndngcrkfrm @ gmail . com .
The Fresno Farmer ’ s Market is every Saturday morning from 8 a . m . until noon .
“ We have a produce vendor who brings everything from bananas to zucchini , tomatoes , they ’ ve had watermelon , local strawberries and peaches ,” said Angie Slaughter . “ Becky Frame from Toby Way Farm has sourdough , jams like Johnny Jump-up Jam and Dandelion Jam , whenever it ’ s ready . She will bring anything from her farm . Mike Baily brings eggs . He occasionally brings quail eggs and also p r o - duce . Rumor has it that quail eggs are very good pickled .”
The market also has craft vendors who make wooden flower lawn ornaments in bright colors and a couple of authors have been bringing their books .
“ One writes science fiction , and one has horror stories ,” Slaughter said .
There are seasonal vendors for such things as sweet corn and apples from Clark ’ s Orchard , which usually start coming in late July . Slaughter also pointed out that most of the egg vendors only charge $ 2.50 . “ I know they are more than that in the store ,” she said .
New vendors are always welcome in Fresno . The first week is free for new vendors and then the cost is $ 5 a month . If they have a Christmas in the Country event , Slaughter donates that money to various projects . “ Last year the proceeds went to the township for a new bathroom . This year we will probably support the veterans ,” she said .
The Fresno Farmer ’ s Market is at the White Eyes Township Maintenance Garage located at 26197 Township Road 1045 . For more information contact Slaughter at 740-610-5490 .
We invite everyone to join us on the court square on Main Street every Saturday from 8:30 a . m . to noon to shop and support local farmers and artisans .”
Becky Bowden
New vendors are always welcome in Fresno . The first week is free for new vendors and then the cost is $ 5 a month .