June 23 , 2022 The Beacon • 3
Diabetes cooking class is offered
Ohio State University Extension , Coshocton Regional Medical Center and Coshocton County Health Department will offer Dining with Diabetes , a cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers .
In a series of four classes , cooking demonstrations will help participants learn healthy techniques to use in their own kitchens . The program includes sampling healthy foods and discussion with a dietitian about skills to manage diabetes .
Dining with Diabetes will be held Tuesdays , Aug . 2 , 9 , 16 and 23 from 5:30-7:30 p . m . Two classes will be at Coshocton Regional Medical Center , and two classes will involve demonstration meal preparation at Frontier Power ’ s community room .
The cost of the program is $ 20 per person and includes all four classes , educational handouts and small-sized meals that feature a variety of recipes . People are encouraged to also register a support person to attend with them for an additional $ 10 .
Classes will be taught by Emily Marrison , OSU Extension educator ; Cindy Hilbish , registered dietitian and health educator with the Coshocton County Health Department ; and Christine Kendle , OSU Extension educator and registered dietitian .
Those with diabetes or prediabetes and their family members or caretakers are encouraged to attend . Paid registration is required by Monday , July 25 . Registration is limited to 20 participants . To register , visit go . osu . edu / coshoctondwd or call OSU Extension at 740-622- 2265 for more information .
Fielden takes first in bass tournament
Three Rivers Bassmasters held its fourth club tournament for 2022 with nine members competing . The tournament was held at Buckeye Lake on June 5 .
Tournament results were John Fielden , first place , 3.42 pounds ; Bret Lingo , second place , 2.15 pounds ; Greg Montgomery , third place , . 98 pounds ; and Lingo , big bass , 2.15 pounds .
Three Rivers Bassmasters is a local bass-fishing club that fishes competitive tournaments throughout the year . Membership is open to interested individuals age 18 and older .
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