The Commons Spring 2019: Graduation Edition | Page 14

2019 GRADUATES VIKTOR KALMYKOV PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: To raise future men. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: We see further only by standing on the shoul- ders of giants that came before us. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Reading through Anselm. EVA KELLER THESIS: A Christian Approach to Special Needs Education. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: I am excited to serve as special needs program coordinator at the Jubilee School in Moscow, Idaho. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: My classes at NSA pushed me to realize that I can work harder and use my time more wisely than I thought. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Whether I was struggling in a class or thriving, taking my questions and thoughts to my professors in office hours is something I really enjoyed. THESIS: A Vital Renovation: The Pedagogy of Introductory A&P Texts. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: I plan on working and pursuing art, hopefully simultaneously with a focus on curriculum development. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: My biggest takeaway is perspective and un- derstanding of who I am and the world I live in. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: The sophomore field trips were both welcome breaks from normal classes and a great time to grow friendships with classmates! LEVI LAW THESIS: RESPECT: Faith and Feminism in the 1960’s. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Pursue the ACBC counseling certification. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. (1 Cor. 13:2) FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Brian refusing to finish an assigned book because he “could be reading about Baptists instead.” RACHEL FAYE LAWYER STOCKER LLOYD 14 THE COMMONS THESIS: Undoing the Damage: CBT in Gender Dysphoria. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Pre-Med, Medical School, Pediatrics. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: Learning to fail, and knowing that I know nothing. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: In our conversational Latin course, we went to buy ingredients for dinner and spent about fifteen minutes in the Co-op discussing what the Latin on the shopping list meant; we narrowed it down to baking soda or flour. The choice we made taught us a valuble lesson in cooking and communication.