The Commons Spring 2019: Graduation Edition | Page 13
THESIS: An Original Pronunciation of The Faerie Queene
PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Raise a family in Moscow while attending
NSA’s MA program.
MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: All that is in God, is God.
FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Getting married and becoming a father.
THESIS: Theoretical Virtues and Quantum Mechanics.
PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: I’m excited to continue my studies in NSA’s
graduate program.
MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: My time at NSA has helped me to chill out
in the best sense: learning to rest in God and His grace.
FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: I fondly remember sitting with my roommate on a
Friday night at end of finals week, reading about gut flora and nisser, and laughing
more than the reading warranted.
THESIS: Man’s Will and the Machine.
PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: After graduation, I plan to move to Lincoln,
NE, where I will continue my career as a software developer, fighting against the
forces of evil in the digital world.
MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: Pushing forward with disciplined work is of-
ten the most cheering activity.
FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: My favorite memory is from my sophomore year,
where after my final exam for Latin, I realized that I was able to read the Aeneid in
the original without translating in my head.
THESIS: Flannery O’Connor’s Vision of Comedy.
PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: After college I will be married and working
full time.
MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: I learned how to read well: my own life, sto-
ries, histories, and the Bible.
FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Dr. Wilson’s botany class was my favorite class, for the
field trips and hands-on experience with flora of Moscow.
THESIS: A Dogmatic Account of Christ’s Will and Knowledge.
PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Reading, writing, traveling, and teaching.
MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: To be grateful for how God has ordained
human nature.
FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Delivering a well-received declamation at Disputatio.
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