The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 143


Digital Citizenship

selda aYDOĞDu

Digital citizenship is a necessity nowadays . With the whole world in a technological era greater than ever before , being a digital citizen will help you out a lot . Being a digital citizen doesn ’ t just mean using the Internet , but using it safely and effectively . If you don ’ t know what a digital citizen is , a digital citizen is a person who stands up to cyber bullying when they see it , stays safe online , protects all their private information and carefully manages their digital footprint .
Digitalizing is good , however , as the use of digital devices grow , potential harms are also exposed . If you aren ’ t careful enough , your information is easily accessible , and already there are lots of online theft . Many people have become socially disconnected because they believe their devices are more than enough for them - which aren ’ t . There are many people on the Internet , who with the use of the dark web- a world wide web where you can go untraced - can do pretty much anything , from selling illegal stuff online to hacking accounts , the dark web is an attraction for people with bad intentions .
Everyone needs education on this digitalization , not just students and the young . Education never stops and neither does technology . If you haven ’ t heard yet , let me tell you : Facebook is working on an augmented reality called Metaverse . Metaverse is a term for a part of the Internet that promises an endless amount of virtual playground where you travel through with your avatar and it ’ s all on VR glasses and already accessible in some countries . What else will the future bring ?