The Comet 1897 The Comet Vol I Issue 4 | Page 2

THE COME ' r , APRIL , 1898 .


A Monthly Journal of School Life devot d to t ' he interests of the s-tudents of the Austin High School .
Edited by Representatives of the Classes of the High School ,
All students are requested to hand in contrtbutions O ' f a newsy nature .
WM . H . MOORE ,
Assistant Editors . ARTHUR WOOLDRIDGE ,
Business Manager .
Chief Reporter . HOWARD KEY , ' 99 . AMELIA FOIJSOM , ' 99 . WILLIE JOHNSO , ' 99 . JOHN PERKI S , ' 99 . STEPHEN WHITE , ' 00 MORA McCOMBS , ' 00 . EARL MADDEN , ' 00 . CLARA EWTON , ' Ol . BESSIE CALLA WAY , ' 01 .
Assistant Reporters .
The Khedive of Egypt has made a contract with engineers to bui ' ld two dams across the Nile . They are to be done in five years at a cost of $ 20 , - 000,000 . The principal dam will be
5000 feet long , and the reservoir which it creates will hold 1,400,000,000 cubic yards of water .
The British have made a call for $ 127,000,000 , which is the largest total in English history , Russia ' has ordered $ 58,000,000 for bOilding ships :
Germany $ 22,000,000 .
The Russian national hymn , the English " God Save the Queen ," the German " Watch on the Rhine ," anrl the French " Marseillaise ," are the four finest national anthems in exi istence .
There is an old saying : " In time of peace prepare for war ." If the United States had oarried out this policy , she would have been read ,' for any emergency .
The treaty for annexing Hawaii has been abandoned in the United States Senate . The que tion will come up later .
The Marquis of Salisbury , Prime Minister of the British Government , has , on account of ill health , left the charge of affairs to Arthur Balfour .
Our Spring Line Of $ 3.00 Shoes
is the nobbiest we have ever shown , and you know What that must mean . All the new Toes and Colors , Sizes 5 1-2 to 9 1-2 .
------------------------- CORNW ' ELL ' S
xicw DRUG STORE , 620 Congo Ave . Sampson Block .
Complete line Hair , ' 1 ' ooth , Nail and Cloth Brushes , Combs , Perfumes and Toilet Articles . Confectionery and Writing Material . Prescriptions carefully prepared , Your patronage solicited . M . C . CORNWELL .
To have
done .
All work
price .
' fuming
a specialty .
Call and be convinced
The editors of the Comet have been unable to discover the author of the following . but we ' eel sure that all will be proud to know that we have such a genius in our midst :
An entirely new staff has been elected for tbe Comet , and as this is our first attempt in this line we are anxious for your hearty co-operation . We think that one of the best ways you could aid us would be to offer your criticism on any point that you deem necessary of correction . We do not ask this thinking that there will be no chance for fault-finding ; but because we know that our faults can be corrected best when they have been shown to us by some one interested in our work .
It takes a good Walker to keep up with the Comet now . It ' s a Perky paper ! No other Copes with it . Tbe jokes Madden the crowd of eager readers with curiosity until they discover the Key of wit of which the Comet contains a Newton . Its excellent and thrilling stories , which Callaway the mind from dry text books and refresh the High School students as nothing else could , make the eager reader long ror Moore and Moore .
Russia has obtained the lease of peer Island , which lies at ' the entrance of the harbor of Fusan , ttre ch ief port of commerce with Japan , Tbe possession of this island brings Russia wttlhin forty miles of Japan ,
Two Arotic expeditions , under American leadership , are to start about the first of July . One is to be under the leadership of Peary , and the other under ' Walter Wellman .

AN APPEAh I The editors af "' the Comet are desil "~ I ous of getting out . a larger and better 1 edition for Commencement than has yet b . u _ published , and earnestly I ask the aid of the pupils and teaChe ?

As we ' have been paying very little attentton to Astronomy recently , we were ignorant until a few days since , that there is another Comet in tbe heavens . However , as the orbit of that great ' aerial body in India is far more extensive than our own modest little pathway , we have no fear of anything like a collision ,
The dingy old rookery Where the scholars all meet ,
Across from the court house On Eleventh Street .
Stands like an incubus , Gloomy and black ,
Hp : ldy to tumble Wi ~' h 3 . crash and a whack .
When the sun shines bright On street and on ditch ,
The class roam we sit in Is blacker than pitch .
The low dusky ceiling


V oks chilly and damp , The sun light denied us , Wf ' study by lamp .
Will these in authority Please be so kind As to build us a tent
Before we go blind .
liiyl ' us God ' s sunshine , Givr us fresh air ,
And don ' t keep us he-re In this rrall ot despair ,
X . Y . ' Z . •