The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Oct issue Villager newspaper | Page 23
cocktails at 5 p.m. (includes a “signa-
ture” cocktail!), 5:30 p.m. general meet-
ing, and dinner at 6 p.m. Wilsonville Ca-
tering will provide a large luscious buf-
fet. Thank you to indispensable co-
chairs for this event, Lynda Huber Mar-
shall and Karen Miller!
Women’s Golf
Changes in CWGA Board,
calendar for 2020
Guest Day: Aug. 14-15
Where else than the Pacific North-
west could this time of year define tran-
sition? For me, it’s all about weather. I
appreciate our summer’s sizzling days,
opportunities for outdoor experiences
(especially golf), grilling dinner, and re-
newed outdoor contact with neighbors.
But something about the transition to
softness in the air, cooler mornings,
and anticipating seasonal activities
brings me a renewed enthusiasm for
Fall. Fortunately, CWGA will sponsor
some social gatherings to keep us con-
nected as a group, and, should get us
through the approaching transition to
our soggy interim, winter.
Another topic of transition in CWGA is
Board nominees for 2020. At the Oct. 3
general meeting, members will vote to ac-
cept the slate. Nominees include President
Alex Carney, CWGA Club Champion.
Joann Linville, Vice Presidents Terry
Borst and Laurie Bales, Secretaries Lynda
Huber Marshall and Laura Curran, Trea-
surer Debbie Bray and Tournaments Rose
Mason, Sharon Kadell and Kathy Stout.
In addition, the October general meet-
ing will include a vote on the proposed cal-
endar of CWGA events for 2020.
CWGA provides the Stagette as an
annual event each October. The theme
for this Oct. 3 is “The Best Day Ever.”
This year’s event carries on with fun-
filled activities including an 18-hole
shotgun Scramble, option for lunch from
the The Turn, 3:30 p.m. Horse Race,
“Beach Blanket Bingo” was the theme
for this year’s Guest Day. The event in-
cluded our annual cocktail party with pot-
luck appetizers Wednesday evening. A
Short Game Challenge was part of the
evening’s festivities, with putting, chip-
ping and sand shots part of the challenge.
Prize money was awarded to the top
scores in each event. Thursday’s golf was
a two-person gross scramble, pitting
Team Annette Funicello against Team
Frankie Avalon. The teams were assigned
using a formula that factored in players’
handicaps. Illustrating how well the hand-
icaps were balanced, Team Annette won
by just three strokes, awarding prize
money in the form of Pro Shop credits to
all players in that team. Lunch was pro-
vided by Cutsforth Market in Canby.
Thanks to the Guest Day committee, Car-
lyne Lynch, Diane Meyers, Charlotte
Nicholas, Cathi McLain, Ann Van Domel-
en and Marlene Apland. And to spouses
John McLain, John Meyers and Fred Van
Domelen, who ran the Short Game Chal-
lenge and served lunch on Thursday.
Club Championship
The annual Championship Tourna-
ment was held over two consecutive
Thursdays. Round One was Aug. 22 and
Round Two was Aug. 29, with Alex Car-
ney successfully defending her title for a
second year. A luncheon and general
meeting followed the second day of play.
A lovely sandwich and salad buffet was
provided by Wilsonville Catering. Thank
you to Tournament Co-Chairs Suzanne
Hatton, Colene Larson and Susie Taylor
for all events this season!
Play Results
Congratulations to the 2019 Club
Champion - Alex Carney - 147
1st Flight: Gross - 1st Carlyne Lynch
- 156, 2nd Susan Weakly - 167. Net -
1st Sue Oberg - 119, 2nd Karen Miller
- 127. 2nd Flight: Gross - 1st Jan
Holley - 173, 2nd Diane Meyers - 176.
Net - 1st (Tie) Cathi McLain and Pat
Struckman - 127
Charbonneau Arts presents
A with l a i r
36th Annual
C h a r b o n n e a u A r t s . o r g
October 2019