The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Oct issue Villager newspaper | Page 22

22 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER Charbonneau Men’s Club By JOHN MCLAIN Don’t forget your sunscreen Cancer and the community of golf at Charbonneau Sunscreen and ear- ly detection are a must for golfers at MCLAIN Charbonneau. We love the sun, especial- ly those who go to the desert in the winter. Please, use sunscreen, not just once in the morning before golf, but again just before playing golf. I am a cancer survivor a couple of times over. My wife is a cancer survivor, too. Get your annual checkups. Early detection is the single most important factor to cancer survival. Each year, in September, the Niners host the annual Pink Ball Tournament, a fundraising event for cancer research. The Men’s Club recently passed the hat to raise over $400 for the purchase of wine (by our own Ron Leeper), which is sold and raffled off at the luncheon event that follows the golf tournament. We all support the research effort to find a cure for cancer. There are many types of cancer that afflict our mature membership (OK, so we are an older crowd) at Charbonneau (a recent sur- vey indicated 75% of residents are re- tired from fulltime employment). If there are men out there who have not October 2019 yet had their regular colonoscopy, do it now. Don’t wait until the discovery is too late for easy solutions — later dis- covery means chemo and a poor prog- nosis. Get checked for skin cancer, co- lon cancer and any other cancer your doctor thinks you should have at your age and medical history. Early detec- tion is the single most important factor to cancer survival. In a recent Golf Digest article, golf re- porter David Owen wrote, “Golfers have always been at greater risk of de- veloping skin cancer than people who never go outside or visit tanning par- lors, but even among nongolfers the in- cidence has been rising for years, worldwide. Studies cited by the Skin Cancer Foundation have shown that, in the United States, cases of nonmelano- ma skin cancer increased by 77 percent from 1994 to 2014, and that there will be 7.7 percent more melanoma cases this year than there were in 2018.” Early de- tection is the single most important fac- tor to cancer survival. Mark Your Calendar Check the Men’s Club website in the Golf menu area to find the Major Events Calendar where you can get more details on flyers downloaded at October is the end of the scheduled Men’s Club events, and there are still a few that are important to attend: Q Oct. 5: Charbonneau Cup Tournament Q Oct. 11: Season Finale Dinner Q Oct. 19: Annual Business Break- fast and Golf ➤ Canby’s Premier Location for Family Fitness Major Golf Events: Results Aug. 25 Club Championship Tournament 365 S Redwood St. Canby, Or 97018 503-266-6166 Buy 6 months Get 1 month free *BASIC PLAN, DETAILS APPLY EXPIRES 10/18/19 Winner Gross: Barry Corno Winner Net: Bubba Heard Sept. 2, Labor Day Couples Golf and Dinner 1st place team: Ron and Leslie Leeper, Rob and Suzanne Hatton 2nd place team: John and Diane Meyers, Gene and Kathy Harp Sept. 7, Patriots Day Individual Competition 1st place: Steve Werts 2nd place: Bruce Stone 3rd place: Perry Esterson 4th place: Alan Southwell Charbonneau Cup Standings Player Points Summary Sept. 1 Check the website for current stand- ings ( Top 20 will play in final tournament for the Charbonneau Cup Players Total Points Martin, Terry 2257.50 Oberg, Jim 1707.50 Morishita, Ford 1600.00 Gibbons, Jim 1530.00 Meyers, John 1400.00 Massing, Dave 1390.00 Shevlin, Bill 1283.33 Corno, Barry 1270.00 Schindler, Andy 1245.00 Zinsli, Lee 1160.00 Harp, Gene 1130.00 Taylor, Tom 1117.50 Cole, Bob 1080.00 McLain, John 1060.00 Mason, Don 1003.33 Southwell, Alan 923.33 Hanacek, Carl 910.00 Landis, Al 897.50 Brown, Mike 880.83 Stone, Bruce 860.00 246 Men’s Club Members From Nov. 1, 2018 to Sept. 1, 2019 Posted 6,633 rounds of golf in the U.S. Mem. 5 11 28 59 115 28 246 Rounds posted per member 2% posted between 200 and 100 4% posted between 99 and 75 11% posted between 74 and 50 24% posted between 49 and 25 47% posted between 24 and 1 Zero (no posting) Total Highest number of rounds posted = 190 Average rounds posted = 27 Most Improved Golfer Standings For revision dates Oct. 1, 2018 - Sept. 1, 2019 (Factor defined at end of the full re- port of all members on website in golf menu area) Starting Ending Rank Name HDCP HDCP Factor 1 Atkin, 18.6 10.8 1.342 Denny 2 Johnson, 25.2 16.8 1.292 Michael 3 Miller, 15.9 9.7 1.286 Bob 4 Martin, 6.5 3.0 1.233 Terry 5 Wiese, 26.3 19.3 1.224 Bob 6 Zinsli, 15.7 10.7 1.220 Lee 7 Lucich, 22.0 16.1 1.210 Mike 8 Greenspan, 22.6 17.6 1.169 Dan 9 Switzer, 24.2 19.2 1.160 Steve 10 Heard, 13.6 10.3 1.148 Bubba