The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Oct issue Villager newspaper | Page 18
October 2019
AAUW Lake Oswego presents Oregon
Foster Youth Connection discussion
American Association of Univer-
sity Women Lake Oswego presents
a discussion led by members of the
Oregon Foster Youth Connection, a
Children First for Oregon Program
Q From Page 17
artist and paint daily, Elaine is en-
couraging me to expand my studies
to include design, so my paintings
have something that sets them apart.
I appreciate her efforts to help me im-
prove my compositions and to expose
me to new opportunities with my
Asked about her current interests
in painting, Cathi says, “I love to
paint a variety of subjects, especially
peoples’ beloved pets. Peoples’ pets
are a delight to paint, and I love cap-
turing their unique spirits.
“My preferred medium is water-
color, but I’ve found acrylic perfect
for some paintings, especially larger
on Oct. 12, 2019 at 10 a.m. at Oswe-
go Heritage House, 398 10th St.,
Lake Oswego. We warmly invite
the public to this special event.
Free, no tickets needed.
News coverage of Oregon’s foster
care system has repeatedly indicated
that the system is not meeting the needs of all the young people in their
care. Changes are in process. Gover-
nor Brown is including young people
who have experienced foster care in
discussions of proposed changes. The
Oregon Foster Youth Connection’s
mission is to improve the foster care
system through advocacy, activism and leadership. Membership includes
current and former foster youth who
wish to share their voices on issues
affecting foster care in Oregon. Dur-
ing the past year Oregon Foster
Youth Connection has advocated for
formats. I love flowers and all man-
ner of natural subjects and find ma-
ny inspirations while walking the
dog in my beautiful neighborhood, or
while hiking and golfing.”
Cathi has exhibited her art in the
Charbonneau Clubhouse as well as
in our annual Charbonneau Arts
Festival. This year she is adding to
her career as an artist by offering
cards and wrapped art pieces for
sale in addition to pieces she plans
to exhibit.
All in all, Cathi McLain exempli-
fies the personal growth and volun-
teer spirit that makes Charbonneau
so special.
SPECIAL NOTE: Cathi’s watercolor
teacher, Elaine Luneke, is this year’s
featured artist at the upcoming Char-
bonneau Arts Festival, November 1, 2,
and 3, 2019 val coming November 1, 2, and 3.
Each year we count on 45 or so resi-
dents to help put on the festival,
which is an area-wide event. Volun-
teers receive a complimentary ticket
to the Friday evening Gala Cham-
pagne reception that kicks off our
event. You can volunteer for one or
two hours once or as many shifts as
may be interesting to you. For more
information about opportunities, con-
tact Shirley Hoem, 503-816-5848 or
[email protected]. clude: At the PLATINUM level: Wil-
sonville SUBARU. SILVER: Lynda Hu-
ber, Equity Oregon Real Estate; Park-
er Johnstone’s Wilsonville HONDA;
Riener Team, RE/MAX Equity Group,
Canby; Roof Masters, Canby; Sherie
Star, Elite Realty Group, Charbon-
neau; Canby Smiles, Dr. Joshua
Wieland, Family Dentistry; Wilson-
ville Carpet & Tile.
BRONZE : Animal Care Clinic, Wil-
sonville; Robert Bennett, CPA, Wil-
sonville; Canby Ford; Amy Costello,
Windermere Real Estate, Charbon-
neau; Martin’s Town & Country Fur-
niture, Canby; and Dr. Michael Lorio,
Town Center Dental, Wilsonville; Jay
Puppo, State Farm Insurance, Wil-
sonville; Roth Heating & Cooling,
Plumbing & Electrical, Canby; The
UPS Store, Wilsonville; Wilsonville
Dental Group
IN-KIND DONORS: Charbonneau Live;
Charbonneau Villager; Mediaphysics,
Wilsonville; Pamplin Media; Tom’s
Wilsonville Catering, Wilsonville.
Call for Volunteers
We are now signing up volunteers
for our 2019 Charbonneau Arts Festi-
Additional sponsors step forward
Since my last update, Canby Smiles,
Dr. Joshua Wieland and Family Den-
tistry has supported our effort as a
Silver Sponsor. The Animal Care
Clinic, Wilsonville; The UPS Store in
Wilsonville, and the Wilsonville Den-
tal Group have joined our list of
Bronze Sponsors.
As of this print deadline, the com-
plete list of sponsors for the 36th an-
nual Charbonneau Arts Festival in-
David Riener
[email protected]
255 SW 1st Avenue (99E)
Canby, OR 97013
Office: 503.266.4747
Licensed Brokers in the State of Oregon
Each office Independently Owned and Operated
9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans.
9 out of 10 wildfires can be prevented.
Zach Riener
[email protected]
See AAUW / Page 19
W I L D F I R E S .