The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Oct issue Villager newspaper | Page 16

16 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER October 2019 Charbonneau Tennis Club By STEPHEN HALL Check out USTA’s home matches this October Summer Social/Tennis Exhibition/BBQ Once again, the summer social con- ducted on Sunday, Aug. 11, was well at- tended and was a huge success. The event started with an outstanding ten- nis exhibition organized by Charbon- neau tennis professional Craig Koess- ler. The exhibition featured the follow- ing tennis pros: Craig Koessler, Scott Erickson, Brian Leahy and Mpaleng Paul Khothule. Lacey and Macie were the ball girls. The exhibition was followed by a very enjoyable BBQ catered by Curry’s Land- ing Restaurant at the Charbonneau Country Club BBQ area. The BBQ was complimentary for the benefit of club members and their families. About 92 club members were in attendance. Schedule of events The following events have been scheduled for 2020: Q Charbonneau/Wilsonville Tennis Tournament: June 25-28 Q Summer Social/Tennis Exhibition/ BBQ: Aug. 2 Lessons and clinics Our tennis pro for the past seven years, Craig Koessler, has just informed us that he has accepted a full-time tennis teaching job at a tennis club in Bellevue, Wash. effective Oct. 1, 2019. We have COURTESY PHOTOS Tennis pro exhibition from left to right: Craig Koessler, Scott Erickson, Brian Leahy, Paul Khothule. In the front row are the ball girls Lacey and Macie. been fortunate the past 15 years to have had some of the best, and well-connected tennis professionals in the area. The Charbonneau Tennis Club board will make every effort to continue with this tradition. Having a quality lesson and clinic program is critical to our success at being an elite tennis club. We wish Craig well with his new teaching opportunity. Projects Q Implementing the new outdoor membership on a trial basis is expect- ed to be complete by Sept. 30. At the end of September, the Charbonneau Tennis Club board will decide whether to continue with the new outdoor mem- bership or to discontinue it. Currently, 28 Charbonneau residents have signed up for this new membership. So far there has been very little negative feedback so it appears that the new membership will be retained. Q Preparing the tactical plan for 2020 is complete. This was approved at the August board meeting. It provides pri- orities for projects and tasks that have The exhibition was followed by a barbecue meal. Spectators watch the tennis exhibition. been identified. It also provides feed- back for the 2020 budgeting process. Q Preparing the draft version of the 2020 Tennis Budget is in progress and is expected to be complete by Sept. 19. The draft version of the budget will be reviewed at the September Charbon- neau Tennis Club board meeting. It will then be approved by the Charbon- neau Country Club budget committee. USTA Team Play The following is the USTA team schedule for the home matches in Oc- tober. Visitors are encouraged to watch from the upstairs viewing area at the club. The door to the club is un- locked during home matches: Q Oct. 5: Age 55 Men level 7.0 com- bined from noon to 3 p.m. against Staf- ford Hills Age 55 Men level 8.0 combined from 4:30-7:30 p.m. against Sunset Athletic Q Oct. 6: Age 55 Women level 7.0 com- bined from 4:30-7:30 p.m. against Irvington SAVE UP TO 40% Q Oct. 12: Age 18 Mixed level 8.0 combinedfrom noon to 3 p.m. against West Hills Age 55 Men level 7.0 combined from 4:30-7:30 p.m. against Irvington Q Oct. 13: Age 55 Women level 6.0 combined from noon to 3 p.m. against Club Green Meadows Age 18 Mixed level 7.0 combined from 4:30-7:30 p.m. against Tualatin Hills Q Oct. 19: Age 55 Men level 7.0 com- bined from noon to 3 p.m. against West Hills Q Oct. 20: Age 55 Women level 7.0 combined from noon to 3 p.m. against Stafford Hills Age 55 Men level 8.0 combined from 4:30-7:30 p.m. against Irvington Q Oct. 27: Age 18 Mixed level 8.0 combined from 4:30-7:30 p.m. against Portland Tennis Center 7 ^ ^[ [f[ fWf W DW 7^ D W WS S^ S ^ ^f f fk k 9 9d d da a ag gb g b on Select Waterproof Floors 7060 Molalla Bend Rd— ͊ͣ͜͠ǡ͜͜͜ 7650 Arbor Lake Ct - SOLD 32185 SW East Lake Point—͊ͥ͡͝ǡ͜͜͜ $558,000 ͣ͠͝͝ƒ‡Ž—ơ‘—”–— SOLD ͟͢͝͞͡”„‘” Ž‡‘‘’— SOLD  24403 S Hwy 99E. Canby 503-266-4095 ‡‡Žˆ”‡‡–‘…ƒŽŽ‡ — ™‘—Ž†„‡Šƒ’’›–‘‡‡–™‹–Š›‘—Ǩ 6KHULH6WDU ”‡‰‘‹…‡•‡†”‘‡” 503-260-͟͞͡͠‡ŽŽȀ‡š– Š‡”‹‡–ƒ” . ‡ƒŽ–‘” @ ‰ƒ‹Ž . …‘