The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Nov issue Villager | Page 9

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 9 November 2019 Attention Charbonneau Veterans North Willamette Research and Extension Center By MIKE BONDI NWREC is growing olives, studying best time to plant O regon State University has been working for the past several years with a small but intrepid, group of farm owners who are trying to de- velop an olive oil industry in this state. It hasn’t been easy. Olives, an important agricultural crop in Cali- fornia, are generally not able to pro- duce a commercial crop here in Or- egon. Our cooler summers and cold- er winters can limit growth and pro- ductivity. Javier Fernandez Salvador, an ex- tension agent working with small farm production in Marion and Polk Counties, is leading the effort to grow Sunshine Service By JOAN VEDDER Remember to take time and be thankful H ey, September sure went by fast didn’t it? I had no sooner written the col- umn for October’s issue of The Villager (it’s due by the 10th of each month) and the next morning my husband was rushed to the hospital with what we thought was a stroke. Upon arrival there, he proceeded to have a mas- sive seizure! After four days in ICU, and a mil- lion tests, the doctors could find no reason for the episode. He did NOT have a stroke, or a tumor, or an infec- COURTESY PHOTO More than 50 people attended an October workshop at NWREC for new and seasoned olive growers. Charbonneau Veterans and their spouses are invited to attend a FREE breakfast, in the Country Club dining room, on Saturday, Nov. 9, at 8:00am. Put on by Charbonneau Country Club and The Wilsonville Rotary Please contact the CCC office at 503-694-2300 to RSVP for this event. Thank you for your service to our country. olives successfully at the North Willa- mette Research and Extension Center. Fernandez Salvador says, “Olives are a new crop for us in the Willa- mette Valley. We have people very in- terested in growing olives for oil pro- cessing. But, we need to find varieties that will grow well and produce high quality oil.” Fernandez Salvador is evaluating more than 40 olive variet- ies collected from sources around the world. Also, he is studying the best time to plant olives during the year as well as the optimal size of young plants growers should be planting for the best results. tion. A few days in rehab following hospital release, he’s doing just fine again. The reason I am sharing this with you all, is the essence of this month’s theme.............thankfulness! Several of you so lovingly took care of us during this difficult time, with meals, phone calls, etc. I can never thank you enough. There are so many little everyday things that we should be thankful for and I wonder if we miss the opportu- nity sometimes? The sunrise, the sunset, the song of a garden bird, waving at a neighbor. Charbonneau is such a caring community and the Sunshine Service works very hard to help where we can. I think we could use a few new volunteers next spring so if you might want to be included, please give me a call. In the meantime, remember to cel- ebrate birthdays, sunny skies and good friends. Real Estate Today with Lynda Huber FALL HOME MAINTENANCE Where did our summer go? Here is a list of items to consider for fall home maintenance. Service HVAC, Your Charbonneau maintain fi replace Neighbor in Real Estate including chimney swept if that has not been done in a while. Exterior perimeter: avoid any slope or grade that would drain water toward the house. It is best to have 4” of clearance between the bottom of the siding and the ground. Cut back tree branches that touch the roof and shrubbery that may touch the siding. Crawlspace vents: Check that the screens are securely fastened, repair any torn screens and bait for rodents in the crawlspace and attic. If your home has wood siding, close crawlspace air vents with Styrofoam panels for the winter months only. Drainage: Clean driveway and stairwell drains on a regular basis. Downspouts: Make sure all units are fully connected to the rain drains and there are no clogs in the drainage system. If you have splash blocks or downspouts not connected to drain system try to extend them out at least 5 feet from the foundation. Hose Faucets: Disconnect all garden hoses and drain. Install faucet insulated covers or drain all supply lines to the faucets by opening the air bleeder screw on the shut off valve and leave the hose faucets open until you need them in the spring. Vacation: Open all the sink and cabinet doors and leave the furnace thermostat set no lower than 50 degrees. Heating your home is less expensive than plumbing repairs and water damage. Lynda is a Charbonneau resident licensed in the State of Oregon. She is available to help you with all your Real Estate needs. Call her today at 503-422-5617 [email protected] • 16825 SW Boones Ferry Rd. Lake Oswego OR 97035