The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019_ Dec issue Villager newspaper | Page 23

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 23 December 2019 Charbonneau Tennis Club By STEVE HALL Charbonneau residents will see no dues increase Invoices were distributed to club members during mid November for the 2020 dues. See the advertise- ment in this news- HALL paper for a de- scription of the dues structure. Once again there are no dues increases for Charbonneau residents. Cutsforths Deli in Canby will be do- ing the catering again this year for Niners ■ From Page 22 our New Years Eve party. Signups can be made using the events function of Tennis Bookings. USTA team competition just com- pleted for the Adult 55 and the Adult mixed 18 leagues. The Adult 65 leagues are scheduled to start in February 2020. To improve the cleanliness of the in- door court area, the janitorial contract has been updated to have the court ar- ea vacuumed twice a week rather than just once. The new contract also pro- vides for doing leaf pickup on the out- door courts more frequently to benefit the outdoor members during the fall months of the year. This is a reminder that Charbon- neau residents are eligible to partici- pate in tennis clinics and private les- sons with our new tennis pro if they pay the club’s guest fee along with the fee to the pro. To signup, contact me at [email protected] or Kim Hos- ford at the Country Club office. each month so that we can include your information in the following month’s newsletter. Membership reminder: Please remember to send your application CHARBONNEAU VI LL AG ER VOL. 42, NO. 2 Q FEBRUARY Q CHARBONNEA U, OREGON 2019 CALLING ALL CHESS LOVERS By WAYNE RICHARDS O n Jan. 29, we’re having a fundraiser for Friends of French Prairie and their fight to protect our farm- land and our quality of life in and around Charbonneau. We are having an evening of chess starting at 6:30 p.m. in the dining room of the Charbonneau Country Club. Ev- ery dime goes to support Friends of French Prairie. Here is how it works: You will have a chance to play highly ranked Interna- tional Chess Federation player, and winner of many Oregon Chess Champi- onships, Nick Raptis. He will also do a and money for 2020 to Karen Siegel by Dec. 30. Applications are avail- able on the Niners website at http:// We are looking forward to another presentation on how to be a better play- er. If you want to actually play Nick it’s a $50 donation. He will play up to 20 people all at once! Amazing. If you would like to watch, the donation for those tickets will be $20. We’ll show the games on a big screen TV for those attending. You’ll be able to see what Nick is talking about during his presentation portion on the screen too. Wine will be available and we’ll have a wonderful auction afterward hosted by Greg Leo with fabulous items. This is a very necessary and important cause. Let’s have some fun. People can RSVP to me at [email protected]. Checks should be made out to FOFP. Friends of French Prairie. great golf season! In our final wrap, we wish you all a joyous holiday season and we look forward to seeing you in the new year. Onward to 2020! PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT NO. 32 Inside the Villager New year, new management — Page 2 Thank you, Cindy! — Page 10 Singles club goes all female — Page 15 Changes for board nominations — Page 8 Plus Event Calendar, all club reports and more! Published by Experience | Integrity | Solutions With love in their hearts — Page 6 JON HOUSE PAMPLIN MEDIA GROUP PHOTO: ADVERTISE IN THE VILLAGER! Join the play! Charbonneau Tennis Club Business Law Elder Financial Abuse Consumer Protection Personal Injury Reach every resident in Charbonneau. Singles, just $330/year; Family (includes grandkids), $449/year Outdoor/pickleball membership is $80 for singles, $120 for family, Initiation fee is $100. No wait list for Charbonneau residents 8755 SW Citizens Dr., Suite 202 Wilsonville 503-570-8755 Contact Jesse Marichalar Call Kim at 503-694-2300 or Steve at [email protected] 971-204-7774 [email protected] You’re invited: meet our new pro and mix and mingle on December 6. Watch for details