The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019_Aug issue Villager newspaper | Page 17

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 17 August 2019 Charbonneau Book Club By DOROTHY HOCHHALTER Empowering biography will spark spirited discussion Standing together ■ From Page 16 “I like to think of myself as the newest member for the reason of the Pink Ball Tournament. I was di- agnosed with breast cancer in late March, which was luckily caught early by a mammogram. ... I’m cur- Our choice for our one read this month is a fascinating biog- raphy called “First: Sandra Day O’Connor” by Evan HOCHHALTER Thomas. Born at a time when women were expected to be homemakers, she graduates from Stanford University Law with honors. It wasn’t easy but she shatters the glass ceiling and becomes an Arizona state senator and later becomes a judge in the Arizona Court of Ap- peals. In 1981, President Ronald Rea- gan appointed her to the Supreme Court. O’Connor was the first woman to receive that honor and was an in- spiration for all in both her personal and professional life. At 58 she was diagnosed with cancer and also car- ing for her husband who was suffer- ing from Alzheimer’s. Thomas brings out her humanity as she copes with these trials while becoming one of the most influential women in Ameri- ca — an example for all the young women who aspire to become leaders in our country. We will meet at the Charbonneau Country Club from 1-2:30 p.m. Aug. 24 to review this book. We welcome visitors so hope you will join us for a spirited discus- sion. Next month we will be back to our second and fourth Tuesday of each month meetings. I can be reached at rently going through radiation treatment so I’m not ready to call myself a survivor but I’m quite sure I will be. ... My mother died of pan- creatic cancer, which she got like 30 years after she had breast cancer when I was in high school. And my brother, who is a little younger than I am, we’re both going through radiation treatment — his for pros- tate and mine for breast cancer. I got involved, originally with Pink Ball because I was involved in golf, but because of my mother’s cancer. We went to the Knight Cancer In- stitute a couple weeks ago and I was so impressed with what they’re doing that my reason to support is not just my cancer but what they’re doing.” but I have also, being involved with the Pink Ball this many years ... I also understand how far we’ve come in being able to treat and cure cancer, particularly in chil- dren. I particularly embrace the idea of people working collabora- tively to find a cure as they’re do- ing at the Knight Cancer Institute. ... I also embrace the idea that they’re looking for unique ways, new ways, to treat cancer and to detect cancer.” — Cathie Czar “My great-grandmother died of cancer, my grandmother died of cancer, my mother died of cancer, my husband is a cancer survivor and a very dear friend died of can- cer, leaving three young children 30 years ago. I have seen what it can do and the pain that is causes G ood N ews T ree S ervice, Inc. Call Nathan today! 503/ Anne Villella Attorney at Law Kit Taylor Attorney at Law Attorneys Anne Villella and Kit Taylor serve clients seeking help with trusts, wills, estate planning, and probate. We treat our clients how we would want to be treated. 503-639-6176 Call for an Appointment KING CITY PROFESSIONAL CENTER TIGARD, OREGON Jay Puppo, Agent 9375 SW Wilsonville Road Wilsonville, OR 97070 Bus: 503-582-8181 Proudly Serving Charbonneau for 30 Years and Counting LET’S TALK TODAY. — Penny Kirk State of Oregon CCB #194072 789-9881 Tree & Shrub Pruning & Removals Spraying & Deep-Root Fertilization Stump Grinding & More... 503-422-7413 Senior Discounts • Free Estimates • Financing Available State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas Richardson, TX Specializing in cedar shake tear off using Owens Corning or CertainTeed Shingles Roofing Maintenance: Gutter Cleaning and Moss Removal Roof Repairs: Cedar or Composition Licensed-Bonded-Insured- ccb# 186827 /LNHS Construction, Inc.