The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 5

ARMAND DIAZ A s much as I think about what Jupiter’s move into Leo means in terms of the basic symbolism—what we would expect every twelve years—this time around I’m focused on what it will mean in terms of the configuration of the outer plan- ets. I’m almost tempted to think that it is more significant that Jupiter is moving out of Cancer, and so out of a harmonious relationship to Saturn in Scorpio, than that it is moving int o Leo. The two major configurations over the past year have been the Grand Cross and the Grand Trine. While the cross has correlated with increased strains and tensions that high- light the need for change, the trine has fed a more conservative, traditional approach to things. Jupiter in Cancer trine to Saturn in Scorpio certainly suggests an energy that main- tains the status quo, while the sextile between Saturn and Pluto provided connection to the edgier energies of the Grand Cross. With Jupiter in Leo, the energy will shift. Instead of supporting Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter will now be in trine to Uranus in Aries, pushing the revolutionary energies forward. Jupiter will even square Saturn from late Leo to Scorpio next summer, perhaps undoing some of the deals made when they were in a cozier relationship. We can each riff on how this will play out in collective world of politics and social phe- nomena, but I would suggest also paying attention to how it will affect us (and our clients) on an individual level. The changes we have felt coming—whether desired or feared—may have a greater opportunity to manifest when the pull towards personal conservatism abates. Those who have been held in check, stopped at the light with the engine revving, may fi- nally get a green light and release the parking brake. W hen Jupiter makes its journey into Leo this month which will last for one year we can ex- pect romance in the air, an abundance in socialising, over-spec- ulation in the mar- kets and perhaps a few diva’s to be born (note; Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, Celine Dion, Mick Jagger all have Jupiter in Leo). It is a mood lifting time which brings a promise of better times and a reason to celebrate. During its tenancy in Leo, Jupiter will make trines to Uranus (September 2014, March and June 2015) which will hopefully bring some ease (and much hope) to the continuing challenging Uranus-Pluto squares. Whilst these two provoking plan- ets ( Jupiter and Uranus) trine in the fire el- ement they will bring fireworks around the globe and perhaps some dare devil scenarios in sports with some new initiatives in the arts, cinema and in music - note the last time Jupiter was in Leo (2002), songs such as ‘Hero’, ‘Without Me’ and ‘What About Us’ were all nominated for VMA awards. As it starts its exit in August 2015 Jupiter makes a square to Saturn in the last degrees of Scorpio and here we might wit- ness events to do with regulation or policy changes in the entertainment industry (particularly gambling) and issues to do with children and survival (such as fertility advances or abuse). An appropriate quote for this period might be ‘The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children’, from Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906 - 1945). One of the great things about Jupiter in Leo squaring Saturn in Scorpio is that we strive to be the best that we can be – interesting that the Guinness Book of Records was first published only days after the last exact square from Jupiter in Leo to Saturn in Scorpio in August 1955. [C ONTINUED ON P AGE 6] O P A ❥ The Organization for Professional Astrology 5 THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014