The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 6

Jupiter in Leo [C ONTINUED FROM P AGE 5] T ransits of Jupiter in fire signs commonly bring dra- matic development. There is a tremen- dous urge to express oneself and release anything that has been held in check during the passage in water signs. We feel the need to give birth to new versions of ourselves and conquer com- pletely new ground, leaving self-conscious attitudes behind to free our wild spirit. Jupiter in fire signs is exuberant, untamed, immensely creative, courageous, and at times, even dangerously over-confident—it can be a “loose cannon.” In 2011, when Jupiter was in Aries, we saw the Arab spring blossoming with great enthusiasm, but with the perspective of time, the results of this “manic” episode are evident as the great promises made at that time, seem very hard to keep today. The Jupiter in Leo period ahead of us is an incredible opportunity to take our lives to the next level. This influence brings such fertility, vitality, and boost of confidence, that many of us will feel tremendously in- spired to launch new projects, express our truth more authentically, and make babies! Looking back at previous cycles, in 1990 the world wide web was first conceptual- ized, a creative inspiration that changed our lives completely! In 2003, Dewey and Prometea, the first cloned deer and horse, were born. The creative juices were in full effervescence. It’s no coincidence that both Iraq inva- sions occurred with Jupiter in early Leo. Desert Storm led by Bush senior on January 17, 1991 and the Post 9/11 invasion by Bush junior on March 20, 2003. Jupiter in Leo can excite ideological fury, self-righteous- ness, and temerity. Will we see another US- O P A ❥ The Organization for Professional Astrology 6 THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014