The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 4

Jupiter in Leo [C ONTINUED FROM P AGE 3] I J upiter entering Leo suggests some great opportunities for taking risks, creating new babies – either of the mind or body, and expanding upon those things we love and enjoying them. These are all fifth house delineations and since Leo is the natural zodiac’s fifth house, it seems logical that these things occur during the course of the next year. However, and as always, we need to bear in mind that there is a subset of other planets involved in this once every twelve year transit. One of the subsets is that during the time Jupiter travels through Leo, Saturn will retro- grade back to Scorpio on August 3, 2015 creating a square between Jupiter and Saturn (at that time) at about 28°. This is preceded by a similar energy with transit Jupiter in Leo contraparallel to transit Saturn this coming fall on October 8, 2014, which falls between the two eclipses in October 2014. Contraparallels are similar to oppositions and anytime Jupiter and Saturn are square or in opposition to each other (or parallel and contraparal- lel), there is cosmic restraint, economies pull back as do people. These occurrences are previews for 2016, when Jupiter (then in Virgo) and Saturn (then in Sagittarius) square each other throughout that year. Therefore, it is important to get one’s life (Leo) in order. All the Jupiter in Leo options mentioned above are still in play. However, if you take risks, make them calculated. If you create new babies or your mind or body, make a plan first making sure you have a plan B. If there is a hobby or pastime you love, take a risk and make it more viable. At this junc- ture, this is the more conscious use of the current cycle of Jupiter in Leo. ’m a Leo so I write this from a personal point of view. Jupiter in one’s Sunsign brings a banner year of growth and op- portunities. For everyone, Jupiter in Leo helps you open up your heart and gives you the confidence to create in your own individual way, but it’s extra special for us Leos. When I look back at the five times that Jupiter has graced Leo, I see they were big years, not always happy at the time, but always appreciated later on for the changes he brought to my life. I was ten years old in 1955-56. That was the summer my parents first sent me to sleepaway camp for the whole summer. I sobbed the night before I left, but once there I had a wonderful time. I learned the value of communal living. In 1967-68 I graduated college and moved to Boston to join Michio Kushi and the Macrobiotic community. That taught me to pay atten- tion to what I eat, gave me the knowledge that I am responsible for my health, and in- troduced me to a spiritual/philosophical way to look at life. In 1978 I moved to Martha’s Vineyard, where I still live. It felt like coming home in a very real sense. That was the year I started my professional astrology practice. Jupiter gave me a big challenge in 1990-1991 when he ended my marriage of 25 years. He freed me. That was also the year Jupiter introduced me to Buddhism and I attended the Kalachakra initiation given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I was elected president of OPA in 2002 and traveled extensively repre- senting OPA. Now I look forward to Jupiter’s gifts to me this coming year. I know he has already planned a trip to Greece for the OPA conference in June 2015. I see a theme of spiritual liberation as I look back at Jupiter’s transits over my Sun. His gift has been to free me from the bondage of expectations, either my own or those of family, friends, and society. He has shoved me forward and stood by me, hold- ing my hand through the scary passage from the known to the unknown. O P A ❥ The Organization for Professional Astrology 4 THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014