The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 3

Jupiter in Leo F rom the 16th of July 2014 to the 11th of August 2015 Jupiter transits Leo. Here we can speak of an expansive influence on our creativity and our vision for ourselves and the commu- nities in which we live. The im- portance of this vision for me is held with the north node of the planet Nep- tune being at 11 degrees Leo. From 27th of August 2014 until the 15th September 2014 and from the 22nd of March 2015 until the 25th of April 2015 transiting Jupiter will conjunct the north node of Neptune (within 2 degrees). So during this whole Jupiter transit, and especially within the several week periods of close conjunc- tion, the importance of individual and com- munity creativity is emphasized; especially O P A ❥ in its capacity to envision a heal- ing future for humanity. The danger within the media saturated modern age is that due to unresolved feel- ings about our own value (Tau- rus square Leo) that we project the heroism of our everyday lives onto various celebrities and public figures. This transit en- courages us to imagine our own lives as if we were the hero or heroine of our own important and healing story. The north node of Neptune being in Leo reveals that this capacity to embrace the nobility of our soul's creativity is a fundamental aspect of the spiritual empowerment of humanity. Your voice, your vision, really matters to the The Organization for Professional Astrology 3 world. The individual, the household and small community can, and does, make a difference. [C ONTINUED ON P AGE 4] THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014