The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 17

Sol W. Jonassen NORWAY Smaro Sotiraki GREECE WEBSITE I love Astrology and astrologers but I disdain those who exploit Astrology, and false prophets in general. I cherish teaching astrological symbolism and its appli- cation, and I dream of the day that Greece will be the astrological navel of the Earth. Since I was a child, I was attracted to esoterism and that is what led me to studying Astrology. Astrology’s magical world im- pressed me as it helped me realise that there is a com- plete system of self-knowledge and simultaneously of interpreting the Universal Law. Regardless of schools and teachers that helped me in my course, I feel that the greatest part of my knowledge has come from my personal research, from studying and examining horoscopes, and from re- covering astrological knowledge from within. In my personal sessions I focus on the psychological, esoteric and karmic aspect of astrology and specialise in relationship counselling. However, I mostly enjoy teaching and helping my students trace the links between archetypal images and astrological symbolism. Can you share with us a little bit about the work and the community of astrologer in Greece? My career began in 1990 and since, I have worked for numerous Greek TV shows, and for many Greek and Cypriot astrological magazines. Moreover, I have edited in whole, and co-authored the first Greek astrological encyclopaedia that was published in Greece in 2012, “Lessons of Modern Astrology”. Today, I write for the Cypriot magazine ‘ O’ and the astrological website , as well as for my personal blog , and I pen the video passages for the TV show ‘Stars System’ where I also often appear. I am one of the founding members of ASTROPAIDEIA, the first Laboratory of Liberal Studies in Astrology, in Greece, which started its operation in January 2014. Naturally, I also am part of ASTROPAIDEIA's teaching team, and furthermore hold the position of Director of Studies. I have written two books ‘2012-Fact and Fiction’, and ‘The Astrological Archetypes of Love’, both published by IntroBooks. Unfortunately, Astrology in Greece is limited mainly in prediction. As a result, most people and many astrologers themselves do not understand or do not promote it as a pivotal philosophical system of self-awareness. Fortunately, the younger generation of astrologers shows a substantial interest in the mystical, inner and psychological side of astrology, the knowledge of which I consider as essential for a correct interpretation of a chart or even for an accurate prediction. Personally, I try to do the best that I can to support this new generation. If you there is no representative in your country and you would like to lead the satellite, write us! O P A ❥ The Organization for Professional Astrology 17 [email protected] I practice all over Norway and do some work internationally. I have an office space in Bergen, on the west coast of Norway, where I see clients and give classes in astrology. I write an astrology column for an online magazine, and I am a member of the board for the Norwegian Astrology Association, to which I also contribute to their quarterly magazine. I have presented internationally at the Norwac Conference (2014), The River of Stars (2011) and in Israel (2009). I’m also the organizer of an annual astrology conference in Norway, Polaris. My orientation is evolutionary and spiritually oriented astrology. I also have a strong interest in different healing modalities and yoga. I see astrology as a healing and liberating tool for people. I do not put too much focus on predictions, even though I maintain an interest in classical astrology. About the astrological community in Norway: Due to the relatively small size of Norway’s population, astrology is not very big here, and there aren’t many astrologers that are able to make a living from their practice; however, thanks to the internet, the community is growing stronger. There is one big school of astrology in Norway, called Herkules, and this school is prominent in the astrology community, offering classes all over Norway. With the new addition of Polaris, our annual Astrology conference, the future of Norwegian astrology is looking bright! THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014