The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 16

Boaz Fyler ISRAEL [email protected] O PA ideas and service are inspiring new communities outside US borders. We are honored to have devoted people working in different countries to support and enhance high standards of practice, and make astrology stronger! Here are our OPA representatives in those countries. If you are in one of these countries, be sure to contact the representative and join forces. If you there is no representative in your country and you would like to lead the satellite, write us! In the meantime, meet our teams ... Dmitriy Paramonov RUSSIA • E-MAIL [email protected] skype: mebiusx • tel: +7-950-161-41-40 I was born in Izhevsk (the Udmurt Re- public, Russia) on 21.12.1972 at 7:42pm. I practice astrology on the Internet at some Russian-language sites, forums and social networks. Astrology is my only source of income. In the beginning of my astrological career I combined it with other activi- ties, but I am now a full time astrologer. I provide coun- seling for clients, I teach astrology, I collect electronic library of astrological literature and help astrologers sell their books, and I created an audio and video recordings of lectures on As- trology. I also help astrologers create their website, electronic payment sys- tem for consultation, and promotional materials (guides, booklets, banners). With other astrologers, I organize astrological conferences and competi- tions for professional astrologers. I’m also involved in research esoteric fields, and take part in a project called "Astrological Cartoons” as well as a certification program in accordance with Russian legislation. I find it difficult to delineate the scope of my astrological interests, but I am not interested in medicine and politics, because I do not have suitable educa- tion (in these disciplines). I am interested in the reasons for the evolution of human personality, the reasons of the formation of certain events in a per- son's life, in process of social adaptation. Astrology is for me a tool for learn- ing the laws of karma, to determine human destiny, it is a channel for knowledge in itself to better understand our world. I ask you not to consider me an exalted personality, but Astrology came into my life so deeply that now I find it difficult to tell where in my life ends astrology and begins ordinariness. Can you share a bit about the work and the community of astrologer in Russia? Astrology is popular in Russia and there are now many astrological schools and associations. Today in Russia are not only representatives of the European school of astrology, but also Indian astrology, Chinese astrology, American astrology, Cabalistic astrology. There are many astrological books available in bookstores, but most of them are beginners-level. Because of language barrier Russian astrologers don’t read books of some modern as- trologers from America, Australia and Europe. O P A ❥ The Organization for Professional Astrology 16 I’m 37 years old, born and cur- rently based in Tel Aviv, Israel. I have been studying astrology since 1999, and essentially prac- tice Evolutionary Astrology. Liv- ing in Israel has always given me perspective. I have been lucky enough to grow up with two Hip- pie parents who taught me that the value of peace, love and hap- piness outweighs the race for money, power and dominance. About the Astrological Commu- nity in Israel: The Astrological community in Israel is rapidly ex- panding and although it's still rel- atively small, we are a mutually supportive and professional. The community is always looking for new ways to learn and expand our knowledge, and find new ways to connects with the global scene. The connection with global organizations such as OPA and ISAR, instigated thanks to the efforts of Maurice Fernandez in recent years, has created won- derful new exchanges with peers and teachers. It stimulates the community with new knowledge and inspiration, and it advances the local professional practice. I’m looking forward to play a part in further en- hancing these dy- namics and to contribute to the pro- fessional community of as- trologers, as i now serve as the represen- tative of the Israeli Satellite of OPA. THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014