The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 15

July 25 to September 22 , Fall Equinox Transits of the Season

Expanding on the observations of Jupiter into Leo , it is crucial to remember that every ingress of a slower moving planet creates waves , often marked by natural or political world events , particularly because the planet always meets with the Sun just before or soon after it enters the new sign . Jupiter will receive the blessings from the solar “ King ” for its journey into Leo on July 25th , as both bodies will be at 2 degrees of the sign . This meeting will stimulate high expectations and promise , and will boost creativity and leadership . It coincides with a square to Mars , making its first steps into Scorpio . If Jupiter in Leo represents the fertility of life , abundant creativity , heart and celebration , Mars in Scorpio brings ruptures , change , and intense power fluctuations . The Sun , Jupiter , and Mars are the fire planet triad , and when in fire and water signs , they carry an intense emotional charge , potentially moving us in extreme ways : they can stimulate important breakthroughs and bring the necessary changes to open up new pathways for our development – we will feel the deep need to break free from anything that holds us back from our fuller potential .

Notwithstanding , this change can be experienced as a climax of intense emotions where we simultaneously celebrate a new birth and grieve a painful separation . Both pain and joy are dramatized by the square of Jupiter in Leo to Mars in Scorpio .
The Leo-Scorpio dance of life , death , and transformation will continue all through August with Mercury and Venus eventually joining in , and further stimulating our creative juices .
Jupiter in Leo squares Mars in Scorpio – August 1 ( 3 Leo / Scorpio ) Jupiter in Leo quincunx Neptune in Pisces - August 15 ( 6 Leo / Pisces ) Saturn in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries – August ( 15 Scorpio / Aries ) Mars in Scorpio conjuncts Saturn – August 25 ( 17 Scorpio )
Mars marches on to meet Saturn at 17 Scorpio on August 25th . This high octane conjunction has strong militaristic tones , and with a Middle East already overheated by the fire of ISIS and Israeli-Palestinian defiance , we can only expect more defensive attitudes , there and in other places around the world . Soon after , Venus squares this conjunction and intensifies the potential for clashes and separations . The glass will need to be broken , the tooth extracted , and the abscess drained … it is not comfortable , but it has to be done . On a personal level , if you ’ re contemplating leaving your job or an unhealthy relationship , this could be the green light – break those eggs and make your omelet .
In the course of August , Jupiter in Leo quincunx Neptune in Pisces can spur a deflation or disappointment for those who got too carried away by overly optimistic expectations . Initially both Jupiter in Leo and Neptune in Pisces transport us to the boundless realm where everything seems possible , and we feel invincible , but through the quincunx , the excess is curbed , and we are humbled . We may need to downsize or rethink our approach . However , if we remain centered and aligned , this configuration can open the gate for higher inspiration and for new spiritual revelations in order to better understand the true role and purpose of what we do .
With Saturn in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries throughout the month of August , we are negotiating very complex forces . This aspect calls for solutions and breakthroughs in existing problems ; however , at the same time , nothing can be rushed or forced . The knot can only be untied with patience and attention . Otherwise , the risk of complication , miscommunication , and crises increases .
While there was such a strong focus on Cardinal signs during the first half of the year 2014 , the focus shifts this season the fixed signs . Whatever was conceptualized at that time , can finally be brought to fruition now . This birth will stimulate strong reactions , both enthusiasm and controversy , but as it is in fixed signs , the power to make life truly meaningful is completely in our own hands !
Sunday August 3 Alexandra Karacostas ( CA )
wisdomastrology . com
Relationship Talk It ' s an Inside Job A discussion exploring how habits , values , attraction and karmic connections are reflected in the interplay of the Sun , Moon , Venus , Saturn , the anglesand lunar nodes , along with other factors in the horoscope .
Sunday September 7 Frank Clifford ( UK )
flareuk . com Palmistry For Astrologers
If the horoscope is a blueprint based on a fixed moment in time , the hand is a road map under constant revision : lines change when we alter track . Today , learn how palmistry can corroborate and fine-tune our understanding of the planets .
Sunday October 12 Armand Diaz ( NY )
integralastrology . net
Integral Astrology How is it that so many types of astrology exist , and all seem valid ? What about questions of fate and free will ? Does astrology describe internal states or external events ? We can answer these questions in a meaningful way if we explore the roots of each kind of astrology and the culture in which it emerged . Emphasis is on the role of culture and consciousness in astrological interpretation , with useful information for the practicing astrologer .
Sunday November 9 Margaret Gray ( HI )
astrologypsychological . com
Exploring the Core Soul Themes of the Composite Chart We will explore some ways of identifying the soul purpose of our relationships as outlined in the composite chart . Why have we truly come together and how may we best grow with the help of the planetary transits and progressions to the composite chart ? How might this differ for each individual in the relationship ?
O P A ❥ The O rganization for Professional Astrology 15 T H E C A R E E R A S T R O L O G E R S U M M E R 2 0 1 4