The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 18

The OPA Retreat 2014! OPA held another excellent retreat in March of 2014. This one was called Compassion and Wisdom through Cardinal Times. We had great weather in Myrtle Beach, good food, terrific teachings and warm companionship. This retreat was special because of the many international members who attended from Israel, Norway, and Canada. Monica Dimino opened the retreat with a day of teaching focused on the path to professional practice. We ended the retreat with a panel consisting of Grace Morris, Arlan Wise, Sandra Leigh Serio, Maurice Fernandez and Rick Levine. These group leaders discussed different facets of the April Cardinal Cross. We packed a lot of knowledge, thought, conversation and fun into those four days. O P A ❥ Arlan Wise, Robert Corre, Maurice Fernandez and Rick Levine. The Organization for Professional Astrology 18 Judy Tsafrir and Karianne Stenshagen. THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014