The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 10

V ICTORIA P ELTZ S MOOT There is a voice that doesn’t use words ... Listen! — Rumi Is Mercury really to blame: for techy and mechanical things breaking down? for lack of understanding what was said? for failing to communicate exactly what you mean? for changes in plan or agenda? for procedures and habits that suddenly don’t work? for mistakes of choice or circumstance? for things happening THAT YOU DIDN’T EXPECT? It seems, sometimes like Mercury, The Trickster, has become THE ULTIMATE EXCUSE! The recent Mercury Retrograde is in it’s post shadow right now, but it has been a powerful one. It originated in Moon ruled Cancer denoting the need for security, safety and support in communications. Then it went BACK into Gemini – the mentally oriented mutable air sign, of “Why is this happening?” Important to consider, how- ever, is that in it’s pre and post retrograde periods AND throughout the retrograde period, it has made NO exact ptolemaic as- pects to any other orb or planet (except the O P A ❥ Moon, of course). This is not the usual sce- nario. Flavored with emotional needs and curious intensity, this Mercury was powerful and hyper-informative. Let’s look at the Archetype of Mercury and its origins. Mercury is the archetype of communication, information, and technol- ogy. Right? This is called the time of the “Truth Tellers.” In fact all secrets seem to be observable and available and “transparent” by way of technology. Yet, this was not al- ways so and leads me to question that tech- nology is not under Mercury, or at least there are other planetary energies involved. How far back do we look for understanding Mercury? How deeply have we looked at where communication takes place? If things aren’t working, where and how do we find out why? As one of the richest archetypes, planet Mercury has come to stand for the MES- SENGER OF THE GODS with winged helmet and winged feet from the Greek mythology as Hermes and from Roman mythology as Mercury. In Egypt, Mercury as Thoth was the Patron of knowledge, se- crets, writing, and scribes, appearing as a The Organization for Professional Astrology 10 man with the head of an ibis holding a scribe's palette and stylus. For Mercury this is thought, correspon- ding to Thoth, the Neter or nature principle of Ancient Egypt, depicted by the human figure with the head of an ibis bird, and also by the seated baboon. It seemed to me that the Ibis with its probing beak as a bird is poking down into the water for nourish- ment described the activity of Mercury in its direct movement. The baboon is always shown seated and quiet represented the contemplative and inner activity most suit- able to the retrograde cycle of Mercury. Thoth is shown both as full ibis, and as baboon. The ibis is recording the events THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014