The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 11

going on around about, and the baboon plays on his smartphone or abacus. Thoth is an unusual god. Though some stories place him as a son of Ra, others say that Thoth created himself through the power of language. He is the creator of magic, the inventor of writing, teacher of man, the messenger of the gods, and thus, is identified by the Greeks with Hermes. He is also the divine record-keeper and media- tor. Read more of this at: http://www.toure- UwpyB Some years ago I had thought deeply about Mercury Retrograde and sincerely asked on a soul level, “What is this about? What is the purpose of this Retrograde for our development? Is it really only about causing chaos and confusion?” Study con- firms that the Retrograde of Mercury, as with the other planets, has something to do with intuitive activity inside of us. Ivy Gold- stein Jacobson in her book The Way of As- trology, wrote: “The Retrograde condition taken both positively of negatively accord- ing to the planet’s good or bad side . . . has the positive equipment to turn within and research his inner resources for whatever he wants in life ... A retrograde planet is turned away ... refused early recognition, but the retrograde direction gives the power to go back and try, try again; the person has the ability to reverse and reconcile all differ- ences.” p. 50. Further, Ivy talks about the development of the intuition, or still small voice, within the individual with more than one retro- grade in the birth chart, cultivated and ma- tured out of patience and the need to deal with the frustration of waiting for what cannot be directly and quickly thought, said or manifested. “To be retrograde is to regress within so that the native learns by in-tuition, research and revelation; he is considered recondite, a word that means mysterious, remotely pro- found and given to secret knowledge. Such persons are possessed of inner reasoning O P A ❥ power and such planets register strongly in their future ... More is required of a person with more retrograde planets than one; he registers ethically because he recognizes this moral obligation early in life, and has ability to renounce his personal desires in the name of duty, conscience and honor ...” p. 52 The more I thought about it, the more I came to realize the true wisdom of the Trickster’s retrograde cycle in the evolution of our thought and communication. What if, when Mercury is actually closer to the earth in its perceived retrogradation, it was actually stimulating so many extra energies of communication and thought, that there was a stronger inner voice available to us. Not only that, but there was an opportu- nity, a purpose afoot, whereby the inner voice, the intuition, was supposed to be de- veloped and practiced to most beneficial re- sult, so that the habitual patterns of thinking, communicating and traveling about to get this done could be challenged, changed and reset. Aren’t we supposed to be growing in wisdom and ability to keep our own counsel in all things, all the time? What if this Mercury Retrograde cycle was rigged to train us to do just that? What if the Trickster, Mercury, was the master teacher who gets us to actually break our habits of thought? How useless this lesson would be if we merely create another nega- tive habit of thinking that we cannot ever decide or do anything original during a ret- rograde Mercury period. In 2013, the three Mercury retrograde cy- cles all took place in the Water Signs exactly where the Grand trine in Water was also in the sky. It was the Chinese year of the Water Snake, of course! This year, each of the three cycles begins in the water sign and retrogrades back to the previous air sign be- fore moving on. It is the Chinese year of the Wood Horse, growing beside the water and grazing from thoughts and gathering infor- mation. It started with Pisces going back into Aquarius. The second cycle, in June, highlights Mercury’s own sign of Gemini, The Organization for Professional Astrology 11 unaspected, so it is very powerful. Mercury started in Cancer, then backed into Gemini before going forward to join the Sun enter- ing the Moon’s sign of Cancer magnified by Jupiter. Decisions about whether to be logi- cal or emotional have been raging across our world unmitigated and with the post shadow we only hope that the brink of wars will be reconsidered, and that the storms forecast will be diverted or downgraded in severity somehow. In October, the retro- grade period of October 4, 2014 through October 25, 2014 will start in Scorpio and revisit Libra. During that time Mercury will trine Neptune, sextile Jupiter, square Pluto and oppose Uranus. What changes we can- not complete after the June cycle, we may have an opportunity to balance and negoti- ate in October. May we all listen to the Still Small Voice within and bring out our au- thentic voice of experience and wisdom no matter what is going on around us, not withhold it out of fear driven habit of hesita- tion and indecisiveness, but speak out with compassion, patience and perseverance. Just before she died, Maya Angelou posted this: Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God. — Maya Angelou 2:43 PM - 23 May 2014 Victoria (Peltz) Smoot, M.S. of Ed., has been an astrologer since the 1980s, based in Lakewood, Ohio. She combines metaphysical studies and experience on Egypt tours with as- trology. Since 2009, she joined ISAR, with CAP certification, and is editor of ISAR’s The International Astrologer. She is a certified professional member of OPA, and teaches work- shops with IAA, the International Academy of Astrology. THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014