The Career Astrologer 2 2014 | Page 9

Rishis said this motion forms the Moon’s North and South nodes! These two very important and independ- ent forces/planets (Grahas) are known as Rahu and Ketu, respectively! They have a deep impact on our lives and destiny. As stated in ancient scriptures, the Moon also controls the descent of our karma or destiny, if you will. The Sages of India or Rishis, described the way this happens and even to this day many spiritual traditions follow the lunar calendar to honor their holidays and religious festivities. One of the most powerful methods used by spiritual teachers to get the most out of these Holy Days or Moon-energized days, is by fasting. It is through fasting that human beings cleanse body, mind and spirit. From the Mexican Shaman to the Imam in Mecca to Jesus in Jerusalem to the Yogi in Rishikesh, all saw fasting as way to get closer to God. Holy Scriptures from every tradition gives special importance to fasting as well. Related to fasting and the Moon cycles, Vedic Astrology is the science that pro- vides direct clues to the best days for fast- ing. It is said that if we do the right thing at the right time with the right intention, then everything changes for good. Thus, when fasting we use the Moon as our guide to get the most out of our “penance” and atonement for our “sins”. As stated above, the cycles and phases of the Moon are key to this. Among the twenty-eight (28) days of the lunar month, there are two very special days when the sages particu- larly recommend fasting. One of these two days occurs during the eleventh day after the new Moon (Sukhla Paksha Ekadashi) and the other occurs during the eleventh day after the full Moon (Krishna Paksha Ekadashi). Ekadashi means eleventh, and in any lunar month there are two ekadashis, one in the waxing phase and the other in the waning phase. You may do a complete fast (no food or water) or a par- tial one, for example, a juice detox. For fasting to be effective, no animal products or grains (or byproducts, including oils) O P A ❥ should be consumed. But, why is fasting on ekadashis important for us? Ancient sages taught that the seed form of our karma enter our minds during those two specific days. By fasting on these ekadashi days one can begin to manage and/or cleanse our own individual karmas. It is said that these seeds are the reactions to our previous auspicious or inauspicious deeds that enter our psyche and bear fruit at a later date in our lives. In other words, we receive our karma on those specific days of the month according to Vedic scriptures and tradition. Therefore, fasting is the rec- ommended tool provided by sages to man- age our karma and we all could benefit by making it a part of our healthy lifestyle. As you can see, the Spiritual traditions of Old placed a huge importance on fasting with an spiritual mindset, not only for our overall wellbeing but also as a technique to “cast out the devils” of our karma. So next time you schedule a detox or a fast, think of those Ekadashi days, think of the mystical Moon and think of Krishna. Happy fasting and better living! Hare Krishna. Jorge Vrajabasi Torres Jorge Torres was born and raised in San Juan Puerto Rico. He is the president of Sanatan Dharma Society of PR an organization dedicated to preserve and further the ancient knowledge of the Vedas in our beloved Caribbean. He has been studying Vedic Astrology for the past 20 years and practice it full time. After working for 25 years for different multinational companies and climbing the corporate ladder, he decided to follow his heart’s dream and practice astrology full time. “If you happen to be in my neighborhood feel free to call me maybe we could have a Pina Colada and talk about the stars.” Nar Seva Narayan Seva, that is sanskrit for, service to mankind is service to God. You can reach Jorge at [email protected] The Organization for Professional Astrology 9 THE CAREER ASTROLOGER SUMMER 2014