Visit us online at OPAastrology . org
Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 39
Visit us online at OPAastrology . org
OPA , The Organization for Professional Astrology ,
is dedicated to promoting excellence for astrologers . Incorporated on October 4 , 2000 at 1:45 pm EDT in Tallahassee , Florida , OPA provides members with tools to establish or improve their astrological practice . Membership is open to aspiring and current astrologers . Benefits include subscription to the Career Astrologer and E-news , free monthly talks by top notch astrologers and members registration fees at OPA retreats and conferences . Annual dues . are $ 60.00 .
PRESIDENT Maurice Fernandez maurice @ opaastrology . com
VICE PRESIDENT Alexandra Karacostas alexandrakaracostas @ yahoo . com
TREASURER Sandra Leigh Serio sandraleigh @ sandraleigh . com
COMMUNITY OUTREACH DIR . Boaz Fyler boazfyler @ gmail . com opacommunityoutreach @ gmail . com
RECORDING SECRETARY Kate Rusko katerusko @ videotron . ca
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Nancy Beale 847-864-1063 nancy . virgovision @ gmail . com
PUBLICATIONS / PRODUCTS DIR . Arlan Wise wisearlan @ gmail . com
OPAastrology . org
AUSTRALIA Charles Jameson Charlesj4 @ me . com
CANADA Kate Rusko katerusko @ videotron . ca + 1 514 206 0277
Donna Young youngestdonna @ gmail . com + 1 403 926 4823
GREECE Smaro Soteraki smarwsotiraki @ gmail . com
ISRAEL Boaz Fyler boazfyler @ gmail . com + 97254200577
MEXICO Ursula Stockder urstockder @ yahoo . com
NORWAY Sol W . Jonassen www . sol-with . com skype : solwithjonasses
RUSSIA Dmitriy Paramonov www . opa . astralife . net + 7-950-161-41-40
SOUTH AFRICA Heiltje le Roux heiltjelr @ gmail . com + 27829287532
UNITED KINGDOM Wendy Stacey wendy @ wendystacy . com + 44 208 9977297
APRIL 2016 April 14-18 GLAC , Michigan greatlakesastrology . com
MAY 2016 May 27-29 - NORWAC
May 27-30 - OPA CONFERENCE IN GREECE Athens , Greece www . OPAastrology . com
May 31-June 9 - OPA SACRED SITE TOUR Greek Islands www . OPAastrology . com
OCTOBER 2016 October 13-17 - ISAR CONFERENCE Costa Mesa , CA
NOVEMBER 2016 November 10 to 14 - SOTA 2016 Cheektowaga , NY
January 20-22 - KEPLER CONFERENCE Florida www . thekeplerconference . com
FEBRUARY 2017 February 16-18 - NCGR CONFERENCE
MAY 2017 ASTROLOGY RISING Astrology Conference . Costa Rica
The Career
Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 39