Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 40
2016 Free Monthly Talks for OPA Members !
Call from wherever you are and join these presentations : It ’ s enlightening , it ’ s fun , it ’ s free ! One hour lectures for OPA members only .
JANUARY 17 Robert Corre
Planetary Dignities
Chart delineation and evaluation depends on the ability to measure the quantity ( how much ) and the quality ( how refined / crude ) of the different planetary forces present . What changes from one chart to the next is this variation of mixtures . Every chart has a Jupiter , a Saturn , etc ., the question is how much and how constructive are the influences ?
FEBRUARY 7 Georgia Stathis www . starcycles . com
‘ The Importance of Phases
Join Georgia Stathis on this discussion about the phases
MARCH 20 Aleksandar Imsiragic www . keplerunited . org
Hermetic Astrology and Strings Between Incarnations
Everyone lives through three incarnations simultaneously at any moment . They are represented as three different lives that are most crucial for our development . Finding a way to unite them means liberation and represents the final goal of Hermetic Astrology . In this lecture we will define those three different incarnations we live all the time and also we ’ ll describe a way to unite those different lives in order to create one real Cosmic Life , that represents our True Being .
APRIL 3 Sol Johansen www . sol-with . com
Virgo , Scorpio and Capricorn , the Birth of the Human
In spiritually oriented astrology , humans ’ ability to reach for the stars are reflected through the initiations into a higher expression of one ’ s potential , not necessarily in a material sense , but more in a spiritual sense , yielding a deep sense of purpose . Humans most intense arena for development occurs both in the relationship to one self , but even more strongly felt in the area of relationship . First we learn how to live with our selves , then in a relationship , then in a bigger group and eventually , as a humanity .
MAY 1 Linea Van Horn www . astrologeratlarge . com
Before the Client Arrives
The client-astrologer relationship begins the moment a client reaches out to you , often well before the actual session . Learn how to present a professional appearance right from the start by using a Client Intake Form . Then , make the most of your valuable preparation time before the session by following a well-thoughtout Chart Analysis Form , which will take you through the steps of delineating a chart to give you the most important information at your fingertips . Linea will share the forms she has developed over the years , so you will be able to immediately implement the suggestions offered in this webinar .
JUNE12 Grace Morris www . astroeconomics . com
Economic , Real Estate and Business Cycles
We ’ ll talk about the astrological cycles that have worked for over 100 years in real estate , business and the economy . What an advantage we have in our own financial life , in working with clients and in sharing with the world that astrology works ! Learn more about these cycles . Be ahead of the game projecting your own future successes .
JULY10 Adam Gainsburg www . soulsign . com
Sky Phases of the Planets
The Sky Phases of the planets represent the very origin of the astrological tradition . The living sky was in fact the very first astrological “ chart .” Through 3D software and explanatory graphics , this lecture will introduce the missing celestial ingredients from every round chart wheel such as speed , brightness and Earth proximity . Learn why there are such differences between one conjunction and another ( between the same planets )! Tangible meanings for each sky factor are emphasized
along with best practices for delineation .
Get updates and learn more at
OPAastrology . org
AUGUST 7 Michael Bergen
The Astrology Code
Michael will discuss the key findings from his research and show you how to apply them to your readings . You will get a detailed look at his purpose and process for investigating the validity of many astrological techniques , including : the zodiac signs , aspects , the diurnal cycle ( houses ), and the 9th harmonic .
SEPTEMBER 11 Rick Levine www . stariq . com
Topic To Be Announced
October 2 Laurie Naughtin www . sublunar . co . za
Horary Astrology : The Important Keys to Analysis
The premise behind Horary Astrology is that a question , like a person , is born at a unique and specific moment . The Horoscope cast for the birth of an all important question is called a horary chart . Delineation and analysis of the chart reveals the circumstances surrounding the question and its eventual outcome . Horary is a predictive form of astrology with clear cut rules necessary for passing accurate judgment on the question asked .
November 6 Maurice Fernandez
About the 2016 US Election
Two days before the US election , Maurice will discuss the ways to analyze the election process , from the candidate ’ s charts to the forecast about probable outcomes . This is not only about the elections themselves , but about how to approach the analysis of such an event .
DECEMBER 4 Demetra George
Topic To Be Announced
The Career
Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 40