Transits of
the Season
at 13 Virgo 15 minutes. Seventeen days
later, Jupiter still at 13 Virgo but now
41 minutes forms an exact square to
Saturn at 13 Sagittarius 41 minutes.
This planetary alignment evokes a feel-
ing of great freedom and liberation
(Jupiter Stationing Direct) but then the
celebration is cut short because Saturn
moves in to curb Jupiter’s enthusiasm
with a heavy dose of reality and respon-
sibility. Jupiter will feel like Saturn is rain-
ing on his parade! If you have planets at
these degrees, It feels like someone is
stealing your thunder or overshadowing
your talents. The rewards you seek will
only be there if you have done the hard
work necessary for success. Jupiter/
Saturn squares are known for wreaking
havoc on business deals, testing your
faith and inner convictions and causing
timing to be off.
The manifestation of this square is an
excellent time to review your life accom-
plishments and make an organized plan
for future successes. On a global level,
this square can bring unfavorable news
about economic markets, the banking
industry, health concerns and education-
al matters.
The Mutable Grand Cross comes
together June 3 and 4 with the cross
NCGR 2017
occurring within 12- 14 degrees of
mutable signs. A Grand Cross is like
a spoke, each spike within the circle
is a necessary balancing energy that
serves to hold the circle together. This
Mutable Grand Cross contains Jupiter
in Virgo, Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in
Sagittarius and Venus and the New
Moon in Gemini. Additionally, the
Nodal axis and Chiron also connect
to this sensitive point within a few
degrees. Mutable energy is about
sharing, gathering and dispersing
information. The Gemini-Sagittarius
axis is about seeking truth through
information and facts and the Virgo-
Pisces axis is about service and under-
standing. Mutable signs have the
weakest boundaries and can often
get carried away. There is fluidity and
changeability within a Mutable Grand
Cross. Just look at our climate and
how we are setting records for high
temperatures, dryness in some areas
and flooding in others. This clearly
represents the influence of so much
mutability in the sky.
Neptune Stations Retrograde on
June 13, 2016 at 12 Pisces 03 bringing
confusion, idealism, and false infor-
mation to the surface. Neptune is the
planet of drugs, alcohol, dreams, mys-
ticism, idealism, water, oil, and gasses.
When it turns retrograde, on a personal
level, we have to stop lying to ourselves
because the truth surfaces and often it
is an ugly truth we don’t want to hear.
With Neptune in its own sign since 2011,
it is a powerhouse of revelations and
intuitive understandings. All those born
under the sign Pisces and those with
Pisces planets within three degrees of
its stationing degree can experience a
deep and intense connection to the pro-
found divine energy of the universe. This
may sound dramatic, but Neptune is an
enigmatic planet that brings mystery and
awe into one’s life. It’s retrograde cycle,
especially in Pisces, is a fruitful time for
exploring yoga, meditation, poetry and
the oceans of the world.
Sandra-Leigh Serio is certified by ISAR, AFA
and OPA as a professional astrologer and has
written for the Mountain Astrologer, Llewellyn
Publications, Horoscope Magazine and StarIQ.
She has a M.A. in Psychology, lives in Boulder,
Colorado and since 2003 has been the President
of the Rocky Mountain Astrologers. In the 80’s
and 90’s she had her own TV and radio show.
She serves as a Group Leader and Treasurer for
OPA and a trainer for ISAR’s Consulting Skills. In
her spare time she plays duplicate bridge. www., [email protected],
303-641-6838 R
Selected I-Astrologer participants to speak at the
2017 NCGR Conference in Baltimore
Victoria Smoot – Sacred Geometry and the Stars in Ancient Egypt
Kate Rusko – Identifying the Need for Personal Fulfillment in the Chart
Ursula Stockder - Symbolism, Art and Astrology
R unners up (in case any of the selected presenters cannot make it):
Timon Harewood – The Declination Chart: The missing Dimension of Astrology
Crystal Lewis – Planets in Youth: Generations of Uranus (age 3 to 28)
OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
V25 -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016