Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 35
Book Review
By Richard Smoot
have enjoyed a personal narrative from each astrologer on how they began , grew and maintained their astrological business . A real-life example in the careers of these noted astrologers .
Witnessing each astrologer ’ s journey using the topics of each chapter provides us a spectator ’ s view and demonstration of applying the principles found in this book . Yet , we all have a story we are constantly evolving and rewriting . In the end , each one of us can learn from someone else or assist someone else . Being a professional is what we do and who we are .
In conclusion : This is your book ; you must have this book ! Read , enjoy , use and reuse this book and continue the success within you . It is you , your clients , our community and profession who will benefit .
I say congratulations to OPA and on our never-ending story along the professional astrologers path .
Richard Smoot Richard has as been an astrologer since 1971 and is a certified astrologer by several astrological associations nationally and internationally . A former licensed social worker ; he currently is the Operations Manager for the ISAR , The publisher of the ISAR International Astrologer , Co chair of ISAR ’ s Consulting Skills Program , An OPA Peer Group leader and a Graduate of the Merriman Market Timing Academy and is involved in several other organizations . Smoot puts the “ S ” in Service . Richard ’ s emphasis in his consultations is to empower his clients in determining their own life . richard @ richardjsmoot . com . R
The book every astrologer needs
Legal Matters and Financial Questions
Marketing Dos and Don ’ ts
Counseling Dynamics and Ethical Dilemmas
And much more !
OPAastrology . org or Amazon . com
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Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 35