of the Season
MARCH 20, 2016
to JUNE 20, 2016
• Aernal Equinox
March 20, 2016
• Lunar Eclipse
March 23, 2016 - 3 Libra 17
• Saturn Stations Retrograde
March 25, 2016 - 16 Sagittarius 24
• Mars Stations Retrograde
April 17, 2016 - 8 Sagittarius 54 to 23
Scorpio 03
• Pluto Stations Retrograde
April 18, 2016 - 17 Capricorn 29
• Mercury Stations Retrograde
April 28, 2016 - 23 Taurus 36
• Jupiter Stations Direct
May 9, 2016 - 13 Virgo 15
• The Transit of Mercury
May 9, 2016 - 19 Taurus 25
• Mercury Stations Direct
May 22, 2016 - 14 Taurus 20
• Jupiter Squaring Saturn
May 26, 2016 - 13 Virgo 41/13
Sagittarius 41
• June 3/4, 2016
Mutable Grand Cross, 12 - 14 degrees
• Neptune Stations Retrograde
June 13, 2016 - 12 Pisces 03
unfolds it is derailed by the Lunar Eclipse
energies and brings a crisis with issues of
cooperation and compromise from part-
nership-minded Libra. This yin/yang tug
of war makes for interesting politics and
conflicting public statements. Politicians
in America are looking at a presidential
election in the fall. They tout their talents
and skills but also agree to support their
opposition. Very Aries/
Libra. At the end of
March we are likely to
see someone drop out
of the presidential cam-
paign and pledge alle-
giance to the opponent
of choice.
The Equinox chart
has Mars conjunct
the Midheaven but
the following month it
retrogrades at 8 Sagittarius within one
degree of the 7 Sagittarius Midheaven.
When Mars is retrograde often one
country, with retaliation on its mind,
will declare war or take aggressive acts
of war on another. But more likely than
not, the “war” is short lived. It is quite
clear looking at the Equinox chart that
fires, attacks, and threats from foreign
powers are a strong possibility. The
Venus/Neptune conjunction squares the
Mars/Saturn midpoint pointing to sneak
attacks or countries getting a little too
relaxed about protecting themselves
whether from natural disasters or bellig-
erent outsiders. The Equinox chart does
have positive perspectives. Ascendant
co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus, form a
lovely grand trine in the fire element with
the Moon in majestic Leo that promis-
es continued advances in technology,
the possibility of written cooperation
(treaties?) with adversaries, productive
artistic expression on a grand scale (the
unfoldment of a magnificent work of art,
perhaps?) and new discoveries about our
solar system and beyond.
Saturn and Mars both station ret-
rograde within 23 days of each other in
the wise, candid, philosophical and legal
sign of Sagittarius. This occurs on March
25 when Saturn reaches 16 degrees
of Sagittarius and April 17 when Mars
climbs to 8 degrees of Sagittarius.
Foreign relations and matters of the
courts are highlighted when these
two malefic planets do their backward
dance. An appointment to the Supreme
Court could run afoul or be postponed
and immigration policies could be test-
ed and revised both in the United States
and Europe.
he Lunar Eclipse arrives on the
heels of the Spring Equinox
and the internal war rages on
between self-interests and the needs of
others. The Spring Equinox for Western
astrologers heralds the Sun’s entry into
Aries with great fanfare. It is the time of
the year that promises original themes,
nascent growth, forward movement
and new beginnings. As the Equinox
OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
V25 -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016