Book Review
By Richard Smoot
The Professional
Building a Successful
Astrology Practice
used in developing the work we do and
or our individual style, ethics, business
persona and public face. The message is
that our personal business practices are
always changing. Knowing the essential
foundations and the building a strong,
yet flexible and attainable business plan
and review are developed and under-
Compiled by OPA
his is your book; you
must have this book!
Buy this book!
You want to know more? Why
is this book your book? Why must
you have it? OPA (Organization for
Professional Astrology) has put forward
a compendium on becoming, being a
professional astrologer, and developing
your own astrological business. It does
not matter the level of astrology you are
learning or practicing on, this book has
a lot for everyone.
In reading, The Professional Astrologer:
Building a Successful Astrology Practice,
OPA establishes a benchmark in the
counseling astrology field. In this
regard, the mission of OPA stands firm-
ly behind you, the practicing astrologer.
Consider OPA’s mission and the objec-
tive of this book:
“…advancing the cause of professional
astrology by helping students and prac-
ticing astrologers get the information,
insights, and experiences they need to
foster their understanding of astrology,
and launch and enhance their astrology
The uniqueness of this book is its
organization and presentation of the
various chapters. Each chapter is written
by one of the most recognized names in
our astrological community. From each
of their own perspective and experience,
these practicing professional astrologers
are our teachers in the many facets of
being a professional in astrology.
For me, the pages in this book flew
by, I was entranced with all the informa-
tion, ideas, and experiences down to the
smallest nuance. Each chapter is a piece
of the roadmap to be considered and
The question I faced was, how much
of each chapter issue am I using or not
using to its fullest? Well, now there is a
book, another tool I can use to develop
and grow my astrological business. This
book collectively hundreds of years of
experience and suggestions from suc-
cessful, public astrologers.
Listing of chapters is not generally
necessary or wanted in a book review.
Yet consider each chapter, the topic
and author. It is evident the rich and
deep expertise and experience of the
author. In your possession of this book,
you have their guidance, ideas, years
of experience, and best practices. Read
each chapter. Consider them all and take
what you need. As you develop, return
to a chapter issue you want to further
develop. Chapters are both general and
specific. Each chapter is a book unto
itself. Note the flow of the chapter titles:
Introduction (Maurice Fernandez)
PART 1 - The Survey
PART 2 - Understanding the Profession
and Guidance for Success
OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
• Chapter 1 Different Orientations and Uses
(Donna Young)
• Chapter 2 Building and Sustaining a
Successful Practice (Maurice Fernandez)
• Chapter 3 Consultations, Counseling, and
Ethical Considerations (Sandra Leigh Serio)
• Chapter 4 The Financial Equation (Chris
• Chapter 5-1 Making your Astrology
Practice Financially Viable (Georgia
• Chapter 5-2 A Business Plan for
Astrologers (Anne C. Ortelee)
• Chapter 6 Legal Issues in the Practice of
• (Robert Woodliff and Leisa Schaim)
• Chapter 7 The Times are a-Changin’
(Wendy Stacey)
• Chapter 8 Building a Feedback Loop
(Monica Dimino)
• Chapter 9 Counseling Techniques
(Jacqueline L. Janes)
• Chapter 10 Writing and Astrology (Arlan
• Chapter 11 In Print (Frank C. Clifford)
• Chapter 12 The Power of Peer Group in
Astrology (Alexandra Karacostas)
• Chapter 13 Professional Development &
the Community of Astrologers (Kay Taylor)
PART 3 - Interviews of Professional
Astrologers: Steven Forrest, Melanie
Reinhart, Kim Marie, Chris Brennan, Linea
Van Horn, Aleksandar Imsiragic, Caroline W.
Casey, Madalyn Hillis-Dineen, Hakan Kirkoglu,
Donna Woodwell, and Ray Merriman.
References and Resources for Astrologers
(Nancy Beale)
For me, the pages
in this book flew by.
I was entranced with
all the information,
ideas, and experiences
down to the
smallest nuance.
In the last section of the book are
interviews by various well-known pro-
fessional astrologers. While interesting
and informative, this section used a
self-interview formula outline which each
astrologer completed. To keep in the
same spirit the book was written, I would
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