The Career Astrologer 1 2016 | Page 33

HORARY O N T HE HOUR During the day with both Sun and Moon above the horizon there is more chance of finding the missing objects as there will be more visibility. Ok great so I have a lot of accidental dignity, sadly my significator the Moon in Scorpio is in fall. When looking at the essential debility of fall it is likened to one who is bound and gagged in the cor- ner of a room. In a way this makes sense as I cannot see without them and am far away from home where may spare pair are, so I really need to find them! It always fascinates me to see how well a Horary chart will describe the Querent. Next step is to find what the significa- tor for the lost glasses is, so we look at the second house cusp which is Leo, the Sun rules Leo so the Sun is the significa- tor of my glasses. This is perfect as we know the Sun is the natural ruler of eyes showing further testimony that we have the correct significator. Where are they, where is the Sun? The Sun is posited in the fourth house of home, so they must be with me in the cottage…but where? I have looked every- where and cannot find them. So let’s look at this Sun, firstly it is in the fixed water sign Scorpio so is near water. As it’s a fixed water sign it could be near my glass of water on my beside table, it is not. The Sun is in the same house as the Moon, me, so cannot be in the bathroom or another room. The Sun is one degree away from the fifth house, the child or play room. That could be the room next to mine as it has double bed bunks in it for visitors with children, but as it’s not in the fifth house it cannot be in that room. The Sun is nearly conjunct the fifth house cusp, they must be near to a wall. Now I look at what planet the Sun is close to and see that it is Mercury, which is in the same fixed water sign. What could the fixed water and Mercury be telling me? They are so close to my glass- es in the same room in the same space! Then it all begins to fall into place, I took my computer out of my the cup- board which I had hidden under some clean spare towels. I left the chord in the cupboard, perhaps I left my glasses there as well. On opening the cupboard I see the chord and on the other side of the tow- els near the wall of the next room in the cottage I see my glasses. The towels being an item of drying off water can be described by Scorpio, fixed water. If we want to look at timing we need to take the fastest moving significator, in this case the Moon, and take it to the slower moving significator the Sun. The Moon is 9 degrees 30 of Scorpio and the Sun 18 degrees of Scorpio, it should take me about nine units of time to find the glasses. Here we can use logic, as they are at home fixed and going nowhere I should find them sooner than later. Nine days is too long I would have left. In nine hours I will be doing yoga at the venue so it must be 9 minutes. Watching the process, the Moon took about six minutes as I was trying to think this one through before remembering I had them when I went to collect my lap- top. I found the chord but could not see the glasses. I went back to the chart, sipped on a cup of tea as I pondered the clues in the chart , the glasses had to be close to the chord and the wall, so off to the cupboard again and felt along the back wall of the cupboard the wall of the next room. I found them in just over 9 minutes, very abstract yet perfectly clear as the puzzle un ravelled. Horary astrology can be very rewarding and exciting, it takes practice to train your brain to think along the lines of what the chart is showing. But when it all comes together it just works. R Printed copies of the Career Astrologer 4 issues, including shipping US - $26 MEX/CAN - $32 International - $46 Details at The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine V25 -01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 33