The Career Astrologer 1 2016 | Page 32

Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 32




Column by
Laurie Naughtin


Horary is known as predictive astrology but does not always have to be completely predictive . One can use it for analysing situations as well as investigating what has happened in the past .

The practice of Horary is very effective and the outcome , if one adheres to the rules , is very effective .
Horary astrology is the ability of finding specific answers for specific questions from a chart set for the exact time the question is understood by the astrologer . The place the chart is set for will be where the Astrologer is at the time of the question asked
Horary is a Medieval Latin word pertaining to an hour .
The trick when delineating and working with the Horary chart is to keep things simple . It is after all a quick , effective type of Astrology providing clarity when answering questions .
Lost object questions are quiet common questions , some are simple , and others are not . It is advisable to ask the client for as much detail as possible as this can give us some idea as to what was going on at the time of the loss .
To get a question from the client or querent , like “ Where is my ring ?” is a common question for the Horary Astrologer . Some background history is helpful and can save a lot of time . Many a time the querent will tell you where they know they lost it . Nine times out of ten it is not where the querent thinks it may be .
Contrary to popular belief lost property questions are not as easy as they seem . The method is simple , it is interoperating the chart that is challenging . Some are a breeze but others send the astrologers on a merry go round .
A clear understanding of houses and signs are vital for a correct outcome . As an example I have a querent who had lost her watch . I cast the chart and saw that the ruler of the second house , house of our possessions and in this case her watch , was in the seventh house .
Now as the querent asked the question about her watch we do not need to turn the chart . This is a method where you adapt the chart to find the correct rulers of the quesited . Had she asked me where her husband ’ s watch was , I would need to look for his possession which will be his second house . This is the second from the seventh , the eight house making its cusp ruler the husbands watch . She asked the question about her watch so we look for Lord two the ruler of the second house . This is where the lost object will be . I could see it was in the seventh house in a mutable sign . When a lost object is in a mutable sign it is normally hidden or in something . The watch was in the husband ’ s house , the seventh house as well as in the sign which was mutable .
My answer was simply that your husband has it on his person and it is safe . She called him and he had it in his jacket pocket , she had taken it off the night before to wash the dishes , on his way out to work he saw it lying on the counter so put it in his pocket to keep it safe from the builders working on their home .
William Lilly , the great master of this craft , often spent time looking for missing objects that his
man servant had purposely hidden from him . The answer can be abstract and this practice was essential to hone in on the horary way of thinking .
As an example of how this works I have a lovely example of this demonstrated in this Horary chart for this column .
I was away on an Astrology conference and lost my glasses . So I asked the question for myself , I am the querent .
WHERE ARE MY GLASSES ? I printed the chart for the area I was in , the astrologer will always draw up the chart from the area they were in when the question was asked and understood .
I was in Simon ’ s Town in the Western Cape and had the glasses with me when I returned to my cottage after a day of talks . I put them down somewhere but just could not remember where . So as I often do when I misplace something I reverted to using my horary skills .
First house is me the querent , my significator is the Moon as the sign on the cusp is Cancer . Now normally the querent will get the ruler of the first house cusp as well as the Moon as significators . I just got the Moon .
Now looking at the Moon can describe the querent , this Moon is angular ; below the horizon in a night chart so has accidental power to act . With lost objects if the lights are below the horizon at night that is good testimony for success .
Where are my Glasses ?
The Career

Astrologer OPA ’ s Quarterly Magazine V25-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2016 page 32