The Bridge CLIL_activities (Guide CLIL) | Page 7

CLIL. ACTIVITIES FOR SHARING Card #6 Grade No. students No. Lessons Lesson Description Smart Goal Language Smart Goal Main Technique Technique description Complexity for teachers Writing for Comprehension [WRITING] 2th (13-14 Subject History (Social studies) years) 29 Unit Christian Kingdoms and Al-Andalus 1 (50 min) Several Lessons ago, teacher explained the creation and expansion of the Christian Kingdoms (8 cases). In this lesson students will create an individual writing about one case (teacher’s choice). a. Narrate main characters, facts and dates about creation and expansion of the Christian Kingdoms. b. Create and update a thinking map (cloudtag) with keywords. a. Narrative and vocabulary development. Writing for Comprehension Research-based writing strategies that teachers can use to improve student reading comprehension through writing. ( ng_horizons) Medium Steps 1 Several Lessons ago, teacher explained the creation and expansion of the Christian Kingdoms (8 cases). 2 In this lesson, teacher chooses one case (random) (o not random) 3 Students have to write words down in their notebook (about characters, facts or dates) that they remember (memory). The write down the words as a cloudtag. They can’t check neither the textbook nor any other source. 4 When they have ended the cloudtag, they should decide if they know enough information to create a writing about the case. If the answer is no, go to step 6. 5 Students have to create a writing including the words of their cloudtag. 6 Students check the textbook and try to compare their writing with the textbook explanation. If students have forgotten including something about the case, they will update their cloudtag with the vocabulary (characters, facts or dates) which they forgot. When they end, they are going to underline the new words. Go to step 4. In this step, if students don’t understand something the teacher will aid them explaining the content. 7 If they think that they have not forgotten anything, the writing is done. 8 A bunch of students read their writing for the rest one. Strengths Students develop their reading comprehension through writing. Furthermore, they also improve their writing and know how to study and prepare a lesson. Weaknesses In order to fit the activity in 55 min, students should have prepared the cases at home. Otherwise, they are going to lose a lot of time with reading but no writing. 7