The Books of the Bible New Testament for Kids | Page 4

Day 1  •   Luke-Ac ts, part 1  9 Jo­seph went t ­ here be­cause he be­longed to the fam­i­ly line of Da­vid. He went t ­ here with Mary to be list­ed. Mary was en­gaged to him. She was ex­pect­ing a baby. W ­ hile Jo­seph and Mary were ­there, the time came for the c ­ hild to be born. She gave b ­ irth to her f ­ irst baby. It was a boy. She w ­ rapped him in l ­ arge s ­ trips of c ­ loth. Then she placed him in a man­ger. T ­ hat’s be­cause t ­ here was no g ­ uest room where they ­could stay. There were shep­herds liv­ing out in the ­fields near­by. It was night, and they were tak­ing care of ­their ­sheep. An an­gel of the Lord ap­peared to them. And the glo­ry of the Lord ­shone ­around them. They were ter­ri­fied. But the an­gel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I b ­ ring you good news. It will ­bring g ­ reat joy for all the peo­ ple. To­day in the town of Da­vid a Sav­ior has been born to you. He is the Mes­si­ah, the Lord. Here is how you will know I am tell­ing you the ­truth. You will find a baby w ­ rapped in ­strips of ­cloth and ly­ing in a man­ger.” Sud­den­ly a ­large ­group of an­gels from heav­en also ap­peared. They were prais­ing God. They said, “May glory be given to God in the highest heaven! And may peace be given to those he is pleased with on earth!” The an­gels left and went into heav­en. Then the shep­herds said to one an­oth­er, “­Let’s go to Beth­le­hem. L ­ et’s see this t ­ hing that has hap­pened, ­which the Lord has told us ­about.” So they hur­ried off and ­found Mary and Jo­seph and the baby. The baby was ly­ing in the man­ger. Af­ter the shep­herds had seen him, they told ev­ery­one. They re­port­ed what the an­gel had said about this ­child. All who h ­ eard it were a ­ mazed at what the shep­ herds said to them. But Mary kept all ­these ­things like a se­cret