The Books of the Bible New Testament for Kids | Page 5

10  Day 1  •   Lu k e-Ac ts, pa rt 1 Then they re­turned to Gal­i­lee. They went to ­their own town of Naz­a­reth. And the c ­ hild grew and be­came s ­ trong. He was very wise. He was b ­ lessed by G ­ od’s g ­ race. p Ev­ery year J ­ esus’ par­ents went to Je­ru­sa­lem for the Pass­over F ­ east. When J ­ esus was 12 y ­ ears old, they went up to the f ­ east as usu­al. Af­ter the f ­ east was over, his par­ents left to go back home. The boy ­Jesus ­stayed be­hind in Je­ru­sa­lem. But they were not ­aware of it. They ­thought he was some­where in ­their ­group. So they trav­ eled on for a day. Then they be­gan to look for him a ­ mong ­their rel­a­tives and ­friends. They did not find him. So they went back to Je­ru­sa­lem to look for him. Af­ter ­three days they f ­ ound him in the tem­ple court­yard. He was sit­ting with the teach­ers. He was lis­ten­ ing to them and ask­ing them ques­tions. Ev­ery­one who h ­ eard him was ­amazed at how much he un­der­stood. They also were ­amazed at his an­swers. When his par­ents saw him, they were a ­ mazed. His moth­er said to him, “Son, why have you treat­ed us like this? Your fa­ther and I have been wor­ried a ­ bout you. We have been look­ing for you ev­ery­where.” “Why were you look­ing for me?” he a ­ sked. “­Didn’t you know I had to be in my Fa­ther’s h ­ ouse?” But they did not un­der­stand what he m ­ eant by that. Then he went back to Naz­a­reth with them, and he ­obeyed them. But his moth­er kept all ­these ­things like a se­cret trea­sure in her heart. ­Jesus be­came wis­er and stron­ger. He also be­came more and more pleas­ing to God and to peo­ple. p Ti­be­ri­us Cae­sar had been rul­ing for 15 ­years. Pon­tius Pi­late was gov­er­nor of Ju­dea. Her­od was the rul­er of Gal­i­lee. His broth­er Phil­ip was the rul­er of It­u­rea and Trac­o­ni­tis. Ly­sa­ni­as was rul­er of Ab­i­le­ne. An­nas and Cai­a p ­ has were high p ­ riests. At that time G ­ od’s word came to John, son of Zech­a­ri­ah, in the des­ert. He went into all the coun­try­side a ­ round the Jor­dan Riv­er. T ­ here he ­preached that peo­ple s ­ hould be bap­tized and turn away from ­their sins.