IN THE PROFESSION calendar and resolve jury trials and reduce our numbers to pre-pandemic levels .
How might the Atlanta Bar members help the Court work through these issues ?
• The members of the Bar should be patient and flexible as our Justice partners work to open the aperture back up to our pre-pandemic postures .
• If you are a Veteran , please consider volunteering with our Veteran ’ s Court .
What would you consider as a “ hot button ” issue in this changing area of law from the bench ?
The use of technology like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to conduct the court ’ s business and the practice of law during the pandemic . As we transition out of the pandemic there will be practices that remain and some that will sunset .
Any tips for counsel appearing before you ?
Be polite , prepared , and professional . Always remember that “ prior planning prevents poor performance .”
Are there any less known or fun facts about you that you to share with the Atlanta Bar membership ( and which you do not mind sharing )?
I enjoy movies ; I have a service dog named Jack who is the most pampered Labrador in the world .
Q & A with Judge Wesley B . “ Wes ” Tailor , Chief Judge of State Court
Looking back , how long have you been on the bench and how do you think that experience will serve you in this new position of leadership ?
At 12 years on the bench , I am still one of the more junior judges on the State Court . I have a great group of colleagues who have diverse backgrounds and experiences . Perhaps surprising to some , that very diversity is what has made us a strong and cohesive group . While we may not agree on everything , we all agree that the State Court of Fulton County should function efficiently to ensure that justice is done . Having great colleagues has made the work more rewarding , and I look forward to serving as Chief Judge .
Looking forward , do you have any important projects or goals as incoming Chief Judge ?
My overarching goal is to ensure that the State Court of Fulton County functions efficiently and smoothly for the benefit of all litigants and residents of Fulton County and enhances public confidence in the court system .
How do the effects of the pandemic influence operation of our courts going forward ?
The pandemic had an extremely unfortunate and negative impact on many individuals , including our employees and staff . It disrupted workflows in every aspect of our lives across the world . For a while , the courts were severely impacted in their ability to move cases forward to resolution . As with most times of great tragedy , we persevered and found new and innovative ways to ensure the fair , efficient , and consistent administration of justice . With the assistance of the Fulton County government , our courts quickly moved to addressing cases even when we could not bring litigants , witnesses , jurors , or the public into the courthouse . Specifically , the Superior and State Courts worked together to implement court appearance through online means . Fulton went even further by conducting the jury questioning process in civil cases via an online platform . By doing so , Fulton was able to conduct civil jury trials at least a year before we were projected to do so through conventional means . We will continue to work together to bring cases to trial and resolution in a fair and orderly manner .
How might the Atlanta Bar members help the Court work through these issues ?
Atlanta Bar members might wish to contact your State Bar of Georgia district representatives , local Chief Judges of the State and Superior Courts , and Justices of the Supreme Court of Georgia to express your desire for the courts to continue to innovate with technology to become more efficient and provide better access to the courts . Tell them you want trial courts to be able to exercise their discretion to hold hearings in the manner that is best suited to the jurisdiction and the case .
What would you consider as a “ hot button ” issue in this changing area of law from the bench ?
A “ hot button ” issue going forward will be the continued use of technology in the courtroom . Some wish to limit trial courts ’ ability to use technology . Technology is not scary , nor does it somehow provide less access to the courts ; it is the opposite . We should not limit the courts ’ use of technology simply because some have an outdated notion of how court should look or because “ that ’ s how we ’ ve always done it .” Even the Supreme Court of the United States did not hold oral arguments in a court building until as recently as 1935 . Yet , justice was done . Atlanta Bar members should express their continued desire for the courts to adopt and implement technological solutions to efficiently process caseloads .
Any tips for counsel appearing before you ?
Be prepared and courteous .
Are there any less known or fun facts about you that you would like to share with the Atlanta Bar membership ( and which you do not mind sharing )?
For the past 2 years , I have had the joy and honor of coaching my son ’ s 3rd and 4th grade tackle football teams at NYO . I will confess there were times when I put just as much ( or more ) work into teaching boys about the game of football and teamwork as I did for my day job . I enjoy cooking for family and friends . And because my wife is also a lawyer ( she made me cut all the nice things I said about her here . . . seriously ), she helps me remember that the practice of law can be grueling and difficult , but also should be a rewarding and enjoyable career .
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