The Entertaining , Albeit Random , Life of an Entertainment Lawyer
DARRYL B . COHEN Cohen Cooper Estep & Allen LLC dcohen @ coco-law . tv
S top ! If you are looking for a scholarly paper with citations and the law , stop right here and read no further . If , on the other hand , you are looking for a day in the life of an entertainment lawyer , then continue and enjoy .
Scenario 1 : We receive a call mid-morning from a former contestant on a high-profile reality TV show . He advises that as a contestant , he was poorly treated and is not happy . We strongly advise our new-clientto-be that he must come in the office and spend 45 minutes to two hours discussing his story in detail .
Our new client schedules a meeting , wherein he explains that as contestant on the show he was not only mistreated , but made to be the villain of the show once the episodes had been shot , edited , and aired . As a result , our new client decided that the non-compete , non-disclosure , and non-disparagement portions of his contractual agreement with the production company were meaningless . He made every effort to disparage both the show and the production company via social media and personal appearances , spouting negative commentary about his alleged mistreatment . Our client has now been served with a lawsuit filed by the production
12 October / November 2022