The Atlanta Lawyer October 2016 | Page 41



By Laura Rashidi-Yazd and Lindsey Siegel Atlanta Legal Aid Society , Inc . lrashidi-yazd @ atlantalegalaid . org
The Public Interest Law Section is starting off the fall with a series of exciting events . This group is dedicated to furthering the practice and perception of law , with a focus on public interest law . As such , PILS regularly hosts educational programs , outreach and networking initiatives , and community service opportunities . We welcome all lawyers with an interest in equal access to justice for impoverished people .
The purpose of the section is to provide an organization open to all who have a common interest in advocacy and enhancement of constitutional , statutory or other rights that protect the dignity , security , justice , liberty , or freedom of the individual or public , and a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas leading to increased knowledge and understanding of the areas of public interest .
Dinner Series with Emmet Bondurant :
On September 22 nd , the PILS section hosted an intimate dinner and conversation with Atlanta attorney
Emmet Bondurant at Max Lager ’ s . Emmet discussed his fascinating legal career , which has included a successful suit in the Supreme Court to challenge voter reapportionment , overturning the conviction of a death row inmate , and a variety of other public service in the Atlanta legal community .
Save the Date
The Public Interest Law Section , Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers , and the Litigation Sections are hosting a happy hour at Eventide Brewery on October 27 th at 5:30 p . m . The joint social will be an opportunity to network , drink beer , and learn more about the benefits of membership in these sections .
Most of the Public Interest Law Section events are open to the legal community ; however , PILS Members enjoy discounted or free admission to many events . Please consider joining our section today or sponsoring one of our events !
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 41