MEMBERSHIP was presented to Allan J . Tanenbaum .
1991 The Business and Finance , Judicial , and Taxation Sections were formed . There were 10 Atlanta Bar staff members total . Membership was at 5,503 and the budget was $ 937,460 . The Juvenile Justice Task Force was formed with President Jimmy Carter ' s support . From the Juvenile Justice Task Force came the Juvenile Truancy Project . Justice Charles Weltner was given the Logan Bleckley Award by the Litigation Section . The Fulton County Indigent Defense System Commission was appointed , chaired by Emmet J . Bondurant . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to T . Jackson Bedford , Jr .
1992 The largest , most expensive Judicial Evaluation survey was conducted at a cost of $ 27,000 . A pictorial Judicial directory Evaluation was survey published . Leadership Awards were presented to Randolph Thrower , Lynne Y ., Borsuk , Hamilton Lokey and Emmet J . Bondurant . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to A . Paul Cadenhead .
1992-1993 The Construction and Environmental Law Sections were formed . Leadership Awards were presented to Hugh M . Dorsey , Jr ., Edgar A . Neely , Jr ., F . M . Bird and Henry L . Bowden . The ACYL became a partner in The Atlanta Project . The Media Resource Group was compiled and distributed to the media . The first Georgia Bar Leader ' s Institute was cosponsored with the State Bar of Georgia . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to W . Seaborn Jones .
1993-1994 Leadership Awards were presented to Edwin L . Sterne , R . William Ide , III , and A . G . ( Gus ) Cleveland . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to W . Terence Walsh .
1994 The ADR Section was formed , making a total of 17 Sections . The staff numbered 12 full-time and one part-time employees . The Student Law Intern Program ( SLIP ) was organized and received the 11-ALNE ' s Community Service Award and the Atlanta Partnership of Business & Education Award for its innovative program with Therrell High School . Busloads of Atlanta Bar members went to South Georgia to help victims of the worst flood in Georgia ' s history . The year ' s theme was " Lawyers Who Make A Difference - Service to the Community and Profession ." The members of a new program , International Connection , conducted a panel discussion on the United States judicial system for 50 visitors from Ukraine . The Atlanta Bar Coordinating Committee for the 1996 Olympics was formed . Leadership Awards were presented to Donald Lee Hollowell , Louis Regenstein ( posthumously ), and Harry L . Cashin , Jr . The Leadership Award was presented to Robert G . Wellon .
1995 The monthly newsletter was printed independent of the Fulton County Daily Report , the first annual pictorial membership directory and a Frequently Used Phone Numbers Directory were published . Membership Benefits were approved including discounts for cellular phones , for legal research programs with West Publishing and Lawyers Cooperative Publishing , for service through United Parcel Service , local private clubs through Atlanta Society , and insurance through Insurance Specialists , Inc . A homepage for the Bar went on line and a technology demonstration center was opened in the Bar office . Leadership awards were presented to John T . Marshall and W . Stell Huie . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to Terrence Lee Croft .
1996-1997 The Atlanta Bar Association Coordinating Committee for the 1996 Olympics raised $ 24,000 to host a reception for visiting lawyers and judges , local attorneys served as hosts , and 300,000 brochures were printed and distributed to Olympic visitors . A Leadership Award was presented to Hon . Sidney Smith . The Professionalism Award was established and the first award was presented to the Honorable Harold Clarke . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to William H . Schroder , Jr .
1997-1998 The Estate Planning & Probate Section was formed . The Fulton County Superior Court Task Force was appointed to help resolve the Fulton County Superior Court filing crisis . A Leadership Award was presented to Comer Yates ( tribute by S . Wade Malone ). The Professionalism Award was presented to Chief Justice Robert Benham . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to S . Wade Malone .
1998-1999 The Atlanta Bar helped establish the Family Division of Fulton County Superior Court . The First Legal Runaround was held in Piedmont Park to raise funds for the Police Scholarship program . The office moved from the Equitable Building , where it had been for 20 years , to the Peachtree Center International Tower . The computer system was changed from MacIntosh to PCs . The Truancy Intervention Project established the Hank Aaron Award and the Glenda Hatchett Award which will be presented to female Truancy Intervention Program students who demonstrate exemplary scholastic improvement during the school year . On March 19 , 1999 the first Bard Atlanta Bar performance sold out one night at the 14th Street Playthouse with " A Courthouse Line ." The Leadership Award was presented to Clifford Oxford . The Charles Watkins Award was
www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 11