The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2023 Vol 22, No. 1 | Page 10


135 Years of the Atlanta Bar Association

Eizenstat , Presidential Assistant for Domestic Affairs , Robert J . Lipshutz , Counsel to the President , John O . Moore , Jr ., Presidential nominee as president of other Export-Import Bank , Jack H . Watson , Jr ., Special assistant and Secretary to the Cabinet .

1978 There was no room in the Courthouse for the Bar Association so the Bar moved to the Equitable Building and began paying rent for the first time . A monthly newsletter was published in addition to The Atlanta Lawyer .

1979 The Litigation Section was created and the Bar ' s membership exceeded 3,000 .

1980 The " Give Our Police A Hand " campaign raised over $ 80,000 for the scholarship program to benefit dependents of police officers killed or injured in the line of duty . Judge William Webster , Director of the FBI , delivered the keynote address at the kick-off luncheon . He was introduced by Judge Griffin Bell . Governor George Busbee and Mayor Maynard Jackson proclaimed the week of October 20 " Give Our Police A hand " week , where over 5,000 bumper stickers were distributed , ten billboards were used and over 200 members of the Atlanta Bar hosted police officers on an individual basis . A parade through downtown ended at Woodruff Park where a memorial in honor of the brave service and dedication of Atlanta police officers was placed in the park . The Bar also pledged $ 10,000 to the reward fund for the arrest and conviction of persons

10 June / July 2023 responsible for the murdered and missing children .

1982 This was a record-breaking award year . The Atlanta Bar Association won the American Bar Association ' s Harrison Tweed Award ( for organizing the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation ), the American Bar Association ' s Award of Merit , the State Bar of Georgia ' s Award of Merit and President ' s Cup ; the Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers won first place in the American Bar Association ' s Younger Lawyers Award of Achievement for the most outstanding overall program by an organization with 1,000 or more members , and the second place for the best single project ; and the Silver Anvil Award was given to the Atlanta Bar by the Public Relations Society of America . Jack Schroder was president at the time , John Chandler , the next president , was instrumental in forming the AVLF , and Charles Shaffer was president in 1980 and his " Give Our Police A Hand " program won the Silver Anvil Award .

1983 The Annual Meeting featured the Bar ' s own talent ( Richard de Mayo , Seaborn Jones , Ruth West Brown , Bill Barwick , and John Fleming ) awarding their humorous Bar Stool Awards : " The Stoolies ."

1985 The Atlanta Bar Foundation was organized as the charitable arm of the Atlanta Bar Association to raise and administer funds for charitable purposes . A new pictorial directory was published . Xavier Roberts donated 500 cabbage patch babies to the Secret Santa program which benefits the Fulton County Department of Family and Children Services for Christmas gifts for the abused and neglected children .

1986 The Charles Watkins Award was established with the award being presented to Charles E . Watkins , Jr ., posthumously . Diane O ' Steen became Executive Director and the first fulltime CLE Coordinator was employed - Mary Lynne Johnson .

1987 The Atlanta Bar Association and Emory University sponsored a forum entitled " Insurance Crisis - Is Tort Reform the Answer ?" The Atlanta Bar again won the Harrison Tweed Award for the Cuban Detainee Project . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to Rees R . Smith .

1988 The Bar celebrated the Centennial by publishing Atlanta and Its Lawyers - A Century of Vision . The Sole Practitioner / Small Firm Section and Workers ' Compensation Section were formed . The Bar ' s membership exceeded 5,000 . A computer network was installed . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to John T . Marshall .

1989 The Leadership Awards were established and awards were presented to Judge Dorothy T . Beasley , Susan A . Cahoon and Clay C . Long . The Charles Watkins Award was presented to Mark D . Kaufman .

1990 The Charles Watkins Award