The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2022 Vol. 21, No. 1 | Page 39

MEMBERSHIP breakfast meetings . They are the crown jewels of the Litigation Section . The in-person breakfast meetings provide networking , builds comradery , and include informative CLE programs .
Vice Chair Amy B . Cheng ( Nelson Mullins ): Our socials . They are usually co-sponsored by other Sections , and it is always held at one of the “ hottest ” new venues in Atlanta . The events are generally well attended and a great way to gather and connect with other Section and Bar members in an informal setting .
Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Section : Chair Dorian W . Simmons ( Alston & Bird LLP ): My fondest memory is working with a dedicated and passionate board that is focused on contributing to the Atlanta legal community .
Vice Chair Erik J . Provitt ( GuideHouse ): My fondest memory is the level of excitement I had as this newly formed Section was voted on an approved by the Board of the Atlanta Bar Association .
Public Interest Law Section : Chair Ayanna Jones-Lightsy ( Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation ): We were discussing events for members and came up with a possible Day at the Park with shelter and foster animals . Everyone perked up at the idea of spending some time just enjoying the outdoors with puppies . It was something we all wanted to make happen .
Vice Chair Cari E . King ( Atlanta Legal Aid ): We recently updated our Bylaws to be more deliberately inclusive and anti racist , and the process was very congenial and productive and made me proud to be a part of this Section .
Sole Practitioner / Small Firm Section : Chair Jason N . Wiggam ( Wiggam Law ): I have always enjoyed the monthly in-person meetings , before the pandemic , of course . They were always well attended with good networking opportunities , and I enjoyed meeting new people . The meetings also provided a lot of valuable content , so I have learned a lot from attending them .
Women in the Profession Section : Vice Chair Barclay H . Vallotton ( Krevolin Horst ): Our holiday parties are always my favorite part of the Bar year . They add merriment to an already-festive season , and facilitate fellowship with friends old and new .
Q : What do you hope to accomplish this year with your Section that has not been done in the past ?
Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section : Chair Kevin P . Langley ( Morris Manning & Martin LLP ): The ACYL has never had this opportunity to bounce back into in-person gatherings from such a remote environment . We look forward to growing the ACYL and forging new professional connections and friendships from in-person events in this new Bar year .
Vice Chair Patrick B . Reagin ( Holland & Knight LLP ): I would like to see us return to regular in-person programming for our members and to help get younger Atlanta lawyers back out there networking with one another . The Board did what it could during COVID-19 , but the real benefit is connecting with your peers and building a network of colleagues with whom you progress in your career – there is really no substitute for doing that live .
Bankruptcy Section : Chair Doroteya N . Wozniak ( James Bates Brannan Groover LLP ): The Bankruptcy Section has been always on the forefront of providing new programming and social events to its members . This year ’ s focus will be to present educational , social , and community service opportunities in a new way through increased collaboration with other Atlanta Bar Sections .
Vice Chair Alexandra ( CC ) Schnapp ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court ): The Bankruptcy Section is an active and engaged Section with a mix of educational , social , and community service events . I hope we can partner with other sections of the Atlanta Bar in the coming year to build on our existing work and provide innovative programs .
Business & Finance Section : Chair Christopher S . Dillon ( Holland & Knight LLP ): We are bringing back the party … well at least in a business networking sense ! This year we will not only be bringing back Banking & Finance Section social events , but we will also be collaborating with other Atlanta Bar Sections to have combined social events and CLEs - the more the merrier ! We have some catching up to do .
Vice Chair Katelyn H . Fredericks ( Nelson Mullins ): We are very excited to be back in person post-COVID-19 . We hope to have inperson CLEs to give everyone the opportunity to network in our ( hopefully ) post-COVID-19 world .
Construction Law Section : Chair Jake Carroll ( Nelson Mullins ): My two goals for the Construction Section this year : ( 1 ) increase membership of the Section ; and ( 2 ) offer a seminar to teach new practitioners the fundamentals of construction law in Georgia .
Vice Chair William J . Shaughnessy ( Jones Walker LLP ): Joint meetings with a Section of the Bar that our Section has not previously teamed up with .
Corporate Counsel Section : Chair Douglas R . Balyeat ( Pratt Industries ( USA ) Inc ): Continue to grow Section membership and forge strong collaboration with other Sections of the Atlanta Bar .
Vice Chair Jerico J . Phillips ( Graphic Packaging International LLC ): Develop a think tank for issues facing younger or new to corporate counsel attorneys .
Dispute Resolution Section : Chair Douglas J . Witten ( BAY Mediation & Arbitration Services LLC ): I hope to expand even further our Section ' s initiatives to highlight interconnections and create joint programming with other Sections . www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 39